Southmoor Park Neighborhood Association Meets every second Thursday of the month, September to May, at the First Free Methodist Church at 1601 S. Pratt Parkway. We have no formal membership, but want our neighbors to become involved! Any level of involvement is encouraged. We hold monthly meetings during the "school year," sponsor a youth activity center geared towards 4th graders and older, also during the school year, have two Kanemoto Park clean ups a year, a computer lab at St. Stephens Episcopal Church, and a neighborhood picnic every June. We also work with the Longmont Neighborhood Improvement, and Art In Public Places, for improvements in Southmoor Park. For more information, please contact Sue Bridgeman, Group Leader, 303-776-9438, Michaela Thomas, 303-651-3863, Gene Poole, 303-776-1086, or Hilary Trotter, 303-776-5963. We can always use volunteers for our many neighborhood services!