One of our Board members stands out has having been truly heroic in her efforts to serve the membership. I am
referring to our Secretary, Arlene. It was her duty to draft the letter from the Board to the Planning Commission.
Before she could do so she returned home one day to find a message on her answering machine form Steve Lang.
The message contained specific language which Lang wanted included. If Arlene had done what Lang wanted, the
letter would have constituted an unqualified endorsement of the CVS proposal and would have claimed to represent
the membership?’s position, not just the Board?’s. Arlene did not believe the language Lange wanted reflected the
Board?’s position. She even went so far as to play the message for Joyce Frey, who was then president. Shortly
thereafter, Arlene received a fax. The fax had originally sent to Joyce from Metro Group. It was faxed to Arlene on
May 12th. The letter specified four items which Metro Group wanted the Association to approve. Tremendous
pressure was put on Arlene to write the letter the way Metro Group/CVS wanted. Her integrity was greater than the
pressure. She drafted the letter to reflect the Board?’s action based on her notes form the meeting. I understand that
many of those present at the first NDR meeting on this issue were very hostile towards Arlene. I feel that it is now
time that the truth be known. She deserves the profound gratitude of the membership. If anyone wants to have a copy
of the fax, feel free to give me a call, 821-7205. Greg Burton,, Board Member
By Greg Burton
referring to our Secretary, Arlene. It was her duty to draft the letter from the Board to the Planning Commission.
Before she could do so she returned home one day to find a message on her answering machine form Steve Lang.
The message contained specific language which Lang wanted included. If Arlene had done what Lang wanted, the
letter would have constituted an unqualified endorsement of the CVS proposal and would have claimed to represent
the membership?’s position, not just the Board?’s. Arlene did not believe the language Lange wanted reflected the
Board?’s position. She even went so far as to play the message for Joyce Frey, who was then president. Shortly
thereafter, Arlene received a fax. The fax had originally sent to Joyce from Metro Group. It was faxed to Arlene on
May 12th. The letter specified four items which Metro Group wanted the Association to approve. Tremendous
pressure was put on Arlene to write the letter the way Metro Group/CVS wanted. Her integrity was greater than the
pressure. She drafted the letter to reflect the Board?’s action based on her notes form the meeting. I understand that
many of those present at the first NDR meeting on this issue were very hostile towards Arlene. I feel that it is now
time that the truth be known. She deserves the profound gratitude of the membership. If anyone wants to have a copy
of the fax, feel free to give me a call, 821-7205. Greg Burton,, Board Member
By Greg Burton