Please be advised than even as Albert Whitted Airport's very usefullness is questioned it is proposing to expand for night time takeoffs and landings. Make a mental note of the next over flying aircraft's engine volume, then imagine that happening as you are trying to drift off to sleep tonight.
G. New Ordinances (First reading of title and setting of public hearing date)
Setting September 20, 2001 as the public hearing date for the following proposed ordinances:
1. Amending Section 6-52(b) of the St. Petersburg City Code to temporarily allow aircraft takeoffs from Runway 24 between sunset and sunrise at the Albert Whitted Airport.
By sleepless in st pete
G. New Ordinances (First reading of title and setting of public hearing date)
Setting September 20, 2001 as the public hearing date for the following proposed ordinances:
1. Amending Section 6-52(b) of the St. Petersburg City Code to temporarily allow aircraft takeoffs from Runway 24 between sunset and sunrise at the Albert Whitted Airport.
By sleepless in st pete