We need volunteers for our Codes Committee. Please contact me if you would like to volunteer. 827-0087.
If you have a codes complaint or question please contact me. I will
relay your message to our City Codes Assistance Officer.
By Arlene Bartley
I will call in any codes violations I see. Is there a list available of what exactly is a violation?
No time for meetings because I work and go to school and have kids. But I will
help you by calling in problems I see.
By Old Northeast resident
There are a truck and a bus parked on Bay Street every night. Around 13th or 14th Avenues. Isn't this a code violation? They are big and commercial.
commercial vehicles
Yes- commercial vehicles parked in residential areas (when not in service)
is a violation. I am currently working with our codes officer to try and correct the violation you mentioned.
Thanks for you interest.
By Arlene