Read the TIMES July 20, 2000, page 4b by Wilma Norton. ''The Pinellas County Commission, after nearly three hours of appeals by dozens of supporters and opponents, early Wednesday rejected a plan to convert the southwest corner of Park Bouleyard and 113th Street from a church to a drugstore.'' CVS. ''In attempting to enter the Pinnellas market, CVS also has run into resistance in St. Petersburg, where neighbors unsuccessfully battled rezoning for a drugstore at Forth Street and Ninth Avenue N, now the site of Watson's Foodtown. ''
CVS in Pinellas County commissio
Not Rejected
The article was wrong. The commission voted to defer for time for the Neighborhood and CVS to develop a developers agreement. Then it will go back to commission for a vote. |
a little more clarification...
The City Council denied CVS' proposal for rezoning that if approved would have allowed them to encroach 250 feet into residential areas. They were told to seek a special exception instead of rezoning, and they were told to work with the neighborhood to try to reach compromises regarding NSN concerns. As a result, a subcommittee of 5 of the NSNA Design Review Committee and an independent architect have been meeting and negotiating to try to come to an agreement regarding the development. Lane Lastinger chairs the NDR Committee and leads the subcommittee--we are awaiting further info. from him regarding the status of the negotiations. |
The article in the Times that we are referring to is in regard to a CVS in Seminole. |