Really..POA's going up? Why? I understand it's because of Legal we have some Legal Issues with the Covenants to begin you want home owners to sign off on new Covenants and pay for someone elses mistake..Not Fair to say the least!!Does anybody including the Attorney's really know what's going on here? On top of apparently having Legal Issue we have'nt been able to maintain what we've got...because alot of homeowners are'nt paying their dues..Do you think it might be because the whole POA was done in a faulty,in the dark, very possibly illeagle and unconstutinal way? I have smelled fowl with this whole thing from the begining.?? What is to stop the POA from continualy raising our dues...According to them NOTHING! I feel held hostage..I have paid in the past but am seriously thinking of skipping this time and talking to an Attorney myself....I am up to forming a legal binding petition to abolish the POA....At this point this thing has become a Circus..It's time for the POA to go!