Stone Acres Watch

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Stone Acres Estates

Welcome to Stone Acres Estates Neighborhood Watch Page. Our neighborhood is a friendly, quiet, older neighborhood that offers mature trees, great neighbors, and wonderful walking. We are close to all of the towns ammenities, but with a country feel. I am in the assessment stage of starting a neighborhood watch to help keep this area safe and secure for our current neighbors, as well as future residents. Have a blessed day!

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Your thoughts on a Neighborhood Watch for Stone...

My fellow neighbors, I would love to gather your thoughts on the possibility of initiating a neighborhood watch. There has been criminal activity from time to time in our usually quiet, and safe... more
Started: September 25th 2013Replies: 0

10-32 rack screws

Within the data center's organized labyrinth of server racks, a specific type of screw reigns supreme: the 10-32 rack screw. These unsung champions, named for their diameter (10) and thread quantity... more
Started: August 6th 2024Replies: 0

Computer supply store

In this digital age, where we practically live at our desks, ergonomics matter more than ever. Enter the world of ergonomically designed computer desks, here to rescue you from aches, pains, and the... more
Started: March 11th 2024Replies: 0

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Does Mortgage Aid Hurt Your Credit Score?
Home-in-lifesaversm Homeowners seeking mortgage help through loan modification programs such as HAMP and HAFA, may face another issue—lower credit scores. Loan Modification and Credit Scores Homeowners on the verge of...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Money Tips for Young People
Taxespreadsm Financial matters can seem complicated as a Millennial. Can you identify with the average 25-35 year old? You probably graduated college with $30 something thousand dollars in debt, which you are still paying ...
How to create a budget for your HOA
Budget Six steps to help your homeowner association’s board prepare the annual budget. Every business needs a budget to operate; your homeowners association (HOA) is no different. A budget affects the ability...
Tags: AssociationFinanceBudget
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