Wellington Update
The developer, Davidson Philips, Inc. has stated he cannot even come close to our recommendation to stay near the 201 homes mark. So he will put together his best and final PUD for Wellington Park and submit this plan to Violet Township (again) for approval.
My guess is it will be in the 320 range, which is still very unacceptable.
The Township Trustees have been advised of the situation and they are all thoroughly convinced that the landowner will seek and get annexation approval from the City of Pickerington. (The City has a history of ignoring this type of aggressive development and all the headaches high-density developments cause, in order to reap the income tax benifits -- it sounds crazy, but it's true) When this insanity will end is anyones guess.
Make no mistake about it, however, we (The CVCA) are not going to go away. The community is behind us.
Refer to this chat for further instructions in the event a new application to rezone is submitted.
jb - CVCA
By John Brinson