Building started in Summer Walk in 1996 and the last home was finished in 1997. There are 45 homes in the neighborhood.
The HOA was first managed by Colony Homes. Homeowner's voted to end that contract and form an assocation made up of members from the community. The Board now works to enforce the covenants, manage the budget, and works with the ACC.
The ACC (Architectural Control Committee) works with home owners to approve changes to property. The ACC is also a major force in ensuring that covenants are followed by all residents.
There are a couple subcommittees of the HOA, and we are still seeking volunteers for these committees.
The Beautification Committee is responsible for planting and maintaining flowers, bushes, and trees in the common area. Every year we try to have a Beautification Day to work on the front area.
The Social Committee is involved with planning and coordinating community events.
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