Created in 1975, the neighborhood planning system consists of all city neighborhoods grouped into 24 neighborhood planning units (NPUs). These NPUs are the principal means for facilitating citizen participation in the City's planning process. Summerhill is in NPU-V, which also includes Peoplestown, Mechanicsville, Adair Park, Pittsburg, and Captiol Homes.
NPUs meet on a monthly basis. Issues that are considered include zoning issues, park event applications, liquor license renewals, and environmental issues. Membership is open to anyone 18 or older whose primary residence is within the NPU, or any corporation, organization, institution or agency that owns property or has a place of business or profession within the NPU. In general, the NPU asks that anyone seeking a permit, variance, etc. to first go to the neighborhood association in the area that will be affected by the request. The NPU's vote goes to the appropriate city department (i.e., the Zoning Review Board) but the city may choose to make a decision counter to the NPU.
NPUs meet on a monthly basis. Issues that are considered include zoning issues, park event applications, liquor license renewals, and environmental issues. Membership is open to anyone 18 or older whose primary residence is within the NPU, or any corporation, organization, institution or agency that owns property or has a place of business or profession within the NPU. In general, the NPU asks that anyone seeking a permit, variance, etc. to first go to the neighborhood association in the area that will be affected by the request. The NPU's vote goes to the appropriate city department (i.e., the Zoning Review Board) but the city may choose to make a decision counter to the NPU.