Sundance Association Inc.

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About Us

Sundance Association Inc.

Welcome to Sundance

We are a rural deed-restricted community along the Hillsborough-Manatee county line. We have about 320 homes on 410 lots of 1 to 6 acres each. We have a 40-stall barn and a marina on the Little Manatee River that are available to Sundance members.


Monthly board meetings are held at 07:15 p.m. every third Tuesday of the month at the Sundance Volunteer Fire Station.

The annual Board of Directors meeting is usually held the third Saturday of June at the fire station.

The Stable Committee and the Marina Committee meet regularly. See the calendar on the back of the Country Times newsletter for meeting information.

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About our association


Bylaws & amendments

Sundance Association, Inc.



These are the bylaws of Sundance Association, Inc., called the "Association" in these bylaws, a corporation not for profit organized under the laws of the State of Florida. The Articles of Incorporation for the Association were filed in the office of the Secretary of the State of Florida on November 23, 1972. The Association has been organized for the purposes set forth in the Articles and these bylaws are for the further regulation and management of the affairs of the Association.

The principal office of the Association shall be at 602 Lightfoot Road, Sundance, Florida

1.3 SEAL
The seal of the Association which is hereby adopted for use by the Association shall bear the name of the corporation, the word "Florida", the words "Corporation Not for Profit" and the year of incorporation, an impression of which is as follows:


All purchases of lots within the area designated by legal description as Exhibit A to the Articles of Incorporation, all being situated in Hillsborough County, Florida, and hereinafter called "Sundance Subdivisions", shall become members of the Association, whether such purchases is by deed or contract for deed.

2.2 For the purpose of this provision and elsewhere in these bylaws, the word "lots" refers specifically to platted lots which are shown on maps or plats of units of Sundance Subdivisions which may now or hereafter be recorded by W.G. Development Corp. or it's successors (hereinafter called "Developer". The Developer shall be considered the owner of all unsold lots in the Sundance Subdivisions and shall be a member of the Association in respect to such lots.

2.3 No owner of lots within Sundance Subdivisions shall be considered members of the Association when in arrears on membership dues.

2.4 Lot owners in the Sundance Subdivisions (members or not) are subject to the bylaws and deed restrictions of the Association.

2.5 Lot owners in arrears on Association membership dues lose all privileges of membership, including the right to vote.

2.6 All of the above are subject to review by the Board of Directors with respect to individual lot owners and unusual circumstances.

The Board of Directors may accept applications for Associate membership. An Associate member shall have use of the Association facilities and shall be subject to the same rules as a regular member. An Associate member shall not be counted to establish a quorum nor shall an Associate member be entitled to a vote in regard to the Association's business conducted during the annual or special membership meetings. The Associate membership dues shall be the same as for a Regular Member. All Associate members shall have their applications renewed on an annual basis subject to the Director's approval.


3.1.0 The annual member's meeting shall be held at a place and hour chosen by the Board of Directors on a Saturday in June of each year for the purpose of electing directors and transacting any other business authorized to be transacted by the members.

Special members meetings shall be held whenever called by the President or Vice President or by a majority of the Board of Directors. Special members meetings shall also be called by such officers upon receipt of written request from members entitled to cast one-half of the votes of the entire membership provided such request for a meeting sets forth the agenda for such meeting and is received by the President at least fifteen (15) days before the requested special members meeting date. No other business but that specified in the notice of a special members meeting may be transacted.

3.3.0 NOTICE
No members meeting may be held without prior notice thereof. Notice of all members meetings stating the time and place and the objects for which the meeting is called shall be given by the President or Vice President or Secretary. Such notice shall be in writing to each member at his address as it appears on the books of the Association and shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days nor more than (60) days prior to the date of the meeting. Proof of such mailing shall be given by the affidavit of the person giving the notice.

3.4.0 QUORUM
A quorum at members meeting shall consist of twenty members either in person or by ballot. The acts approved by a majority of the votes present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the acts of the membership except when approval by a greater number of members is required by the Articles of Incorporation, or these bylaws, or the laws of the state of Florida.

3.50. VOTING

3.5.1 In any meeting of members, the members who are owners of lots in Sundance Subdivisions shall be entitled to cast one vote per lot regardless of the number of owners any particular lot may have and regardless of the size of said lot. The Developer is entitled to one vote per unsold lot in the Sundance Subdivisions.

3.5.2 If a lot is owned by one person, that person's right to vote shall be established by membership in the Association and the record title to that lot. If a lot is owned by more than one person, or is under lease, the person entitled to cast the vote for the lot shall be designated by a certificate signed by all of the record owners of the lot and filed with the Secretary of the Association. If a lot is owned by a corporation, the person entitled to cast the vote for the lot shall be designated by a certificate signed by the President or Vice President and attested by the Secretary of the corporation and filed with the Secretary of the Association. If a lot is owned by a trust or an estate, the fiduciary thereof shall be entitled to vote, however, if there is more than one fiduciary or someone other than a fiduciary is to vote, the person designated to vote shall be designated by a certificate signed by the fiduciary or fiduciaries and filed with the Secretary of the Association. Such certificates shall be valid until revoked or until superseded by a subsequent certificate or until a change in the ownership of the lot concerned. A certificate designating the person entitled to cast the vote of a particular lot may be revoked by any owner of such lot. If such certificate is not on file the vote of such owners shall not be considered in determining the requirement for a quorum nor for any other purpose.

3.5.3 All elections of directors shall be by ballot unless dispensed with by unanimous consent of the members present at a meeting. Unless otherwise determined by the members on a case by case basis. All other votes shall be by voice vote.

3.5.4 For all votes by ballot, the chairman of the meeting shall appoint prior to the balloting a committee of three who shall act as "Inspectors". Such inspectors shall, at the conclusion of such balloting, certify the results of the balloting in writing to the Chairman, and the certified copy thereof shall be physically affixed to the minutes of the meeting. If balloting is in connection with an election of a director, no inspector shall be a candidate for such office.

Votes may be cast in person, or by absentee ballot. An absentee ballot may be made in writing by any person entitled to vote and shall be valid only for the particular meeting designated in the ballot and must be filed with the Secretary before the appointed time of the meeting or any adjournment of the meeting.

If any meeting of members cannot be organized because a quorum has not attended, the members who are present, either in person or by absentee ballot may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is present. Ballots for such meetings adjourned shall remain effective for the reconvened meeting, but shall be valid for only those items on the agenda as originally advertised.

The order of business at annual members meetings and as for as practical at other members meetings, shall be in accordance with Roberts Rules and include:
Calling of the roll, certification of ballots and establishment of a quorum.
Proof of notice of meeting
Reading minutes from preceding meeting
Reports of officers
Reports of committees
Unfinished business
New business
Election of Directors


4.1.0 The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of not less than five Directors. The Directors shall be Regular Members of the Association as defined in Article 2.1 of these bylaws.

4.2.1 The election of Directors shall be held at the annual members meeting.

4.2.2 A nominating committee shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors not less than 60 days prior to the Annual Membership Meeting. The nominating committee shall nominate not less than one person for each directorship. Nominations may also be made from the floor.

4.2.3 The vote shall be by ballot and shall be determined by a plurality of the votes cast. There shall be no cumulative voting.

4.2.4 Except as to vacancies provided by removal of directors by members, vacancies in the Board of Directors occurring between annual meetings of members shall be filled by appointment through action of the remaining directors.

4.2.5 Any director(s) may be removed by concurrence of three quarters of the votes, provided there is a quorum at a special meeting of the members called for that purpose. This special meeting called shall meet the requirements in accordance with Article 3.2 of these bylaws. The vacancy on the Board so created shall be filled by the members of the Association at the same meeting.

The term of each Director's service shall extend until the next annual meeting of the members and subsequently until his successor is duly elected and qualified or until he is removed in the manner provided elsewhere herein.

The Board of Directors shall establish a schedule, indicating date, time, and location of the Directors meeting and shall make this schedule public for the benefit of the membership. By doing so the Directors are inviting the membership to witness the actions of the Board. The membership shall be allotted a limited time during these meetings for matters they wish to bring before the Board.

Special meetings of the Directors may be called by the President and must be called by the Secretary at the written request of two-fifths of the Directors. Not less than three days, notice of the meeting shall be given personally or by mail, telephone or telegraph, which notice shall state the time, place and purpose of the meeting.

4.6.0 QUORUM
A quorum at Directors meetings shall consist of a majority of the entire Board of Directors. The acts approved by a majority of Directors shall constitute the acts of the Board except when approval by a greater number of Directors is required by the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, or the laws of the state of Florida.

If at any meeting of the Board of Directors there shall be less than a quorum present, the majority of those present may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is present. At any adjourned meeting any business that might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called may be transacted without further notice.

The joinder of a Director in the action of a meeting by signing and concurring in the minutes of that meeting shall constitute the presence of such Director for the purpose of determining a quorum.

The presiding officer of the Directors meetings shall be the chairman of the Board if such an officer has been elected; and if not, the President shall preside. In the absence of the presiding officer, the Directors present shall designate one of their number to preside. If the Secretary of the Association shall be a Director, said Secretary shall be the secretary for any meeting of the Directors, otherwise the Directors shall designate one of their members to act as secretary of the meeting.

The Board may from time to time appoint committees and delegate such duties and powers thereto as it may deem advisable.

Any member or members of the Board of Directors shall be deemed present and voting at a meeting of such Board if said member or members participate in the meeting by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment or device enabling all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other.

Any emergency action required between regular scheduled meetings of the Board may be taken upon concurrence of a majority of the Board by telephone provided such action is confirmed by written consent and filed with the minutes of the Board meetings.

The executive officers of the Association shall include a President, Vice President, Secretary and a Treasurer all of whom shall be elected Directors of the Association. Any person may hold two or more offices. The Board of Directors from time to time may appoint such other persons and designate their powers and duties as the Board shall find to be required to
manage the affairs of the Association.

The President with the concurrence of the Board shall be the chief executive officer of the Association, and shall have all of the powers and duties that are usually vested in the office of President of an association.

The Vice President, in the absence or disability of the President, shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the
President. The Vice President shall assist the President generally and exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as shall be prescribed by the directors.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the Directors and members. The Secretary shall attend to the giving and serving of all notices to the members and Directors and others that are required by law, and shall have custody of the seal of the Association and affix it to any instruments requiring a seal when duly signed. The Secretary shall keep the records of the Association except those of the Treasurer unless the Secretary is also the Treasurer of the Association. The Secretary shall perform all other duties incident to the office of Secretary of a corporation and as may be required by the Board of Directors, or the President. Any Assistant Secretary elected shall perform the duties of the Secretary when the Secretary is absent.

The Treasurer shall have custody of all property of the Association including funds, securities and evidences of indebtedness. The Treasurer shall keep the books of the Association in accordance with good accounting practices; and shall perform all other duties incident to the office of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be bonded.

No officer shall receive any compensation by reason of his office, provided however that nothing herein shall preclude the Board of Directors from employing an officer as an employee of the Association.


All funds of the Association shall be deposited in the name of the Corporation in such bank, banks or other financial
institutions as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate and shall be drawn out on check, drafts or other orders signed on behalf of the Association by such person or persons as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate.

Except as otherwise specifically provided by these bylaws, all contracts, agreements, deeds, bonds, mortgages, and other obligations and instruments shall be signed on behalf of the Association by the President or by such other officer, officers,
agent or agents as the Board of Directors may from time to time by resolution provide.

The Board of Directors shall adopt a budget approved by the regular membership for each fiscal year that shall include
the estimated funds required to defray the Association expenses and to provide and maintain funds for the appropriate accounts and reserves according to good accounting practices.

The Board of Directors may propose a change in the annual assessment and this proposal shall be ratified by the membership at the annual meeting. A majority shall be required for ratification, provided, however, the lots to which title is held by the Developer are not subject to assessment. The initial level of the assessment shall be $50.00 per lot per year. The annual assessment shall be due and payable on or before the first day of each fiscal year.

Assessments to cover expenses of the Association that cannot be paid from the annual assessment shall be made only
after affirmative action of the Board. Notice of the need for such assessment shall be given to the membership and a special meeting shall be called to discuss and confirm such emergency action.

In accordance with the provisions of the covenants and restrictions, any assessment approved by the membership which remains unpaid shall constitute a reason for filing a claim of lien on the lot owners title. The amount of the lien shall
include all past due assessments, filing fees, interest and a handling charge. The filing fees, interest and handling charge
shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

The Treasurer of the Association shall report the financial status of the Association to the members at the annual members meeting.

In accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, these were adopted by the Board of Directors. These bylaws may be
altered, modified, amended or rescinded by a 3/4 majority vote of the Board of Directors. Never the less, before any changes are made, the membership will be given an opportunity to discuss the change at it's next members meeting for which the notice shall contain a specific reference to the subject matter of the proposed amendment.

The Architectural Committee shall have the powers as set forth under Section 26 of the Declaration of Restrictions provided that any deviations from the Restrictions shall in no way compromise Section 1 of the Declaration of Restrictions.

The fiscal year of the Association shall begin July 1 and end June 30.


PRESIDENT JAMES ROCKEFELLER _______________________________

VICE PRESIDENT BILL RUSSELL _______________________________

SECRETARY EILENE RUSSELL _______________________________

TREASURER VAL EARLE _______________________________

DIRECTOR RANDY SWEETING _______________________________

Sundance Association, Inc.


Whereas SUNDANCE ASSOCIATION, INC. a Florida Corporation, the owner under the instrument recorded in the official Record Book 893 Page 1491 in accordance with the articles of incorporation and the bylaws of SUNDANCE ASSOCIATION, INC., do hereby
amend the bylaws as follows:

AMENDMENT NO. 1 This amendment replaces Article 6.6 and reads as follows:

In accordance with the provisions of the covenants and restrictions, any assessments approved by the
membership which remain unpaid and are past due shall constitute a reason for filing a lawsuit, claim
of lien or foreclosure on the lot owners or the lot owners title. The amount of the claim(s) shall include
all past due assessments, court costs, interest, handling fees, and attorney's fees. The handling fees shall
be determined by the Board of Directors and the interest rate shall be the highest rate allowed by law.

This amendment was adopted and approved by the Board of Directors at the Annual Membership Meeting held on June 28, 1986
by Directors Larry Shafer, Randy Sweeting, Ray Berg, and Barbara Greenlee and recorded in Hillsborough County's official Record Book 893 Page 1499.

AMENDMENT NO. 2 This amendment authorizes the Architectural Committee to enforce more stringent construction
requirements and reads as follows:

Under the authority of Section 26 of the Sundance Deed Restrictions, the Architectural Committee shall
require the following changes in new home construction.

No one story residences shall be constructed on any lot with a fully enclosed floor area of less than 1,500 square feet. No one and one half story or higher residences shall be constructed on any lot with a total floor area of less than 1500 square feet. The foregoing requirements are exclusive of carports, garages, open porches, screened porches and lanais or screened lanais.

AMENDMENT NO. 3 This amendment authorizes the Architectural Committee to enforce more stringent construction requirements and reads as follows:

Under the authority of Section 26 of the Sundance Deed Restrictions, the Architectural Committee shall require the following changes in new home construction.

Minimum required construction of homes not built on a concrete slab are to have a completely enclosed support foundation, with proper ventilation, of cement block or other code approved material. Stilt houses are not precluded by this as they must be erected by count y code.

Amendments No. 2 and No. 3 were approved and adopted by the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions provided in the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of Sundance Association, Inc., during the regular Board meeting held on October 20, 1987 attested to by the following Board members:

Ralph Greenlee, President
Matt Beegan, Vice President
Gordon Mudd
Bill Hudson
James Rockefeller

This instrument was executed and acknowledged before me the_________th day of November, 1987 by known to me as members of the Board of Directors of the Sundance Association, Inc.

______________________________________ My commission expires______________________________
Ray Anderson, Notary Public

Deed Restrictions & amendments

Sundance Subdivisions

WHEREAS, W.G. DEVELOPMENT CORP., a Florida Corporation is the owner of lands known as Sundance Subdivisions and recorded in Plat Book 45 Page 82, in the public records of Hillsborough County.

And Whereas, the aforementioned corporation wishes to impose the restrictions on the use and enjoyments of lots on the aforementioned land, the covenants and restrictions hereinafter set forth are to run with said land and to be binding on all persons, corporations, trustees and other legal entities owning such lots and their heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns.

NOW THEREFORE, the following restrictive covenants are hereby imposed on Sundance Subdivisions.

1. No lot shall be used for other than single family residence purposes. There shall not exist on any lot at any time more than one single-family residence. No improvements or structures whatever, other than a first class private dwelling house, swimming pool, servants quarters, guest house or stable may be erected, placed, constructed or maintained on any lot. No such structure shall be moved onto any lot from another location and all construction on any lot shall be new.

2. Garages or carports on any lot shall be for the use of the occupants of the residence constructed on that lot. Such garages or carports must be attached to the residence.

3. No one story residences shall be constructed on any lot with a fully enclosed floor area of less than 1500 square feet. No one and a half story or higher residences shall be constructed on any lot with a total floor area of less than 1500 square feet. The foregoing requirements are exclusive of carports, garages and open porches.

4. No trucks or commercial type vehicles shall be stored or parked on any lot except in a closed garage or on any street or roadway located within the boundaries of Sundance Subdivisions except while engaged in transporting to or from or in connection with the residences in Sundance Subdivisions.

5. No garage, shed, tent, trailer or temporary building of any kind shall be erected, constructed, permitted or maintained on any lot prior to construction thereon of a residence. No garage, shed, tent, trailer, basement or temporary building shall be used for a permanent or temporary residence purpose: provided, however, that this paragraph shall not apply to nor prevent use of adequate construction or sanitary toilet facilities for workmen during the period of construction of any structure on any lot. Except as hereinbefore provided, no outhouse, outdoor privy or toilet facilities shall be erected, constructed, placed, permitted or kept on any lot.

6. No private single-family residence erected on any lot shall be occupied in any manner during the period of its actual construction nor at anytime prior to its being fully completed. Nor shall any such residence, when completed, be occupied in any manner until made to comply with the requirements, covenants, restrictions and reservations set forth in this instrument.

7. Rental of any guest house or rooms thereof, servants quarters or rooms thereof, or stable erected on any lot is prohibited except in connection with the rental of the residence located on the lot.

8. No structure or improvement or any part thereof, including garages, swimming pools, carports and porches, shall be erected on any lot closer than 50 feet to the front lot line or closer than 25 feet to the rear or side lot line.

9. No lot shall be increased in size or surface area by either filling in any water which it abuts or surrounds or by increasing or materially changing the elevation.

10. No derrick or other structure designed for use in boring for oil or natural gas shall be erected, placed, permitted or maintained on any lot, nor shall any oil, natural gas, petroleum, asphaltum, hydrocarbon products or minerals of any kind be produced or extracted from any lot. No rock, gravel, or clay shall be removed from any lot and no commercial activities of any type, kind or description shall be conducted on any lot.

11. The keeping of animals, reptiles and fowl on any lot is prohibited except for horses, dogs and cats.
(a) With regard to horses, not more than 2 horses per one acre shall be permitted at any time.
(b) Any animal permitted by the preceding is permitted strictly for pleasure and at no time shall such animals be kept for trading or commercial purposes. The care and housing of all such animals is the responsibility of the lot owner and it is the lot owner's responsibility to limit the movement of such animals to the lot owner's lot.

12. No clotheslines or drying yards shall be permitted on any lot unless concealed by hedges or lattice work. No weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growth shall be permitted to grow or remain on any lot. No lot shall be used in whole or in part for the storage of rubbish of any character whatsoever, nor for the storage of any property or thing that will cause such lot to appear in an unclean or untidy condition or that it will be obnoxious to the eyes, nor shall any substance or thing be kept, permitted or maintained on any lot that will emit foul or obnoxious odors or that will cause any noise that will or might disturb the peace, quiet, comfort or serenity of the occupants of any lot within Sundance Subdivisions.

13. A pleasure boat and/or trailer may be parked or stored on the portion of any lot beyond the front building line of a private single-family residence away from the street or roadway.

14. If and when water mains are installed in Sundance Subdivisions or any part thereof, the owners of the lots therein, except for the promulgators of this instrument, are required to connect, at their own expense to such water main(s) to obtain water for household use. Such owners shall pay reasonable monthly charges for water used.

15. No elevated tank of any kind shall be erected, placed, permitted or maintained on any lot. Any tanks for use in connection with a private single-family residence constructed on any lot, including tanks for the storage of fuel, shall be buried or walled sufficiently to conceal them from the view of neighboring lots, roads and streets. Nothing in this paragraph shall apply to lots owned by W.G., it's successors, legal representatives and assigns.

16. No boundary wall or fence or boundary line fence shall be erected on any lot without the approval of the Architectural Committee. No fence shall obstruct access easement along lot lines. In no case, shall any fence be of barbed wire.

17. No billboards or advertising signs shall be erected, permitted, placed or maintained on any lot or improvement thereon except for a "For Sale" sign referring to the lot on which it stands and which does not exceed 2 square feet: provided, whoever, that nothing in this paragraph applies to W.G., it's successors, legal representatives and assigns when engaged in activities deemed necessary by it for the operation of and sale of lots within Sundance Subdivisions.

18. There are hereby reserved all easements for county, municipal and public utility facilities and for drainage shown on any plat hereafter recorded on the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida for Sundance Subdivisions, and full right of ingress and egress for the W.G., its agents, employees, designees and assigns over any lot for the purpose of installing, maintaining, inspecting and servicing the utilities and drains for which the easements are reserved.

19. In the event a governmental agency or authority should require the installation of any improvements in Sundance Subdivisions, including, but not limited to, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, street lighting and gas mains, the purchasers or owners of a lot or lots in Sundance Subdivisions, except for the promulgators of this instrument, shall pay his or their proportionate share of the cost and expense of installing such improvements. This proportionate share shall be computed by dividing the total cost of the improvement by the number of lots served by the improvement or section thereof. Where applicable, all structures on any lot shall be connected to the improvement, if any, as soon as it is constructed and thereafter the use of alternative methods of achieving the same purpose and objective of the improvement shall be prohibited. Where applicable, owners of lots shall pay a reasonable monthly charge for the use of the improvement.

20. No lot in Sundance Subdivisions shall be divided into building lots of less than one (1) acre in size, having a minimum of 150 feet road frontage.

21. No residence, building, fence or other structure of any type, including a swimming pool, and no planting of any kind shall be erected, placed or maintained on any lot until the plans and specifications therefore, the appearance and color plan thereof, the height thereof, the plot plan showing the location thereof and the grading plan thereof shall have been approved by the Architectural Committee created hereinafter: and no change in the exterior appearance, type, color, grade and height of any residence, building, fence or other structure of any type and any planting of any kind shall be made without the written approval of the committee of the plans and specifications, detail and appearance thereof.

The Architectural Committee shall function as follows:

(a) All plans and specifications shall have been prepared by a duly licensed Florida architect unless the Committee consents in writing.

(b) All plans and specifications shall be submitted in duplicate and delivered, with the address of the submitting party, to the Committee at the SW corner of SR 674 and Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center, Florida.

(c) Any approval, disapproval or other action by the Committee pursuant to the Declaration shall be indicated on the material submitted stating that the Committee's action was joined in by at least one of the Committee's members. The indication place on the material shall constitute the Committee's action and one set of plans or material shall be promptly mailed, postage prepaid, to the address specified thereon by the submitting party.

(d) One set of the duplicate sets of material may be retained by the Committee.

(e) The Committee's failure to approve, disapprove or take action with regard to the submitted material for a period of 15 days from the date of submission shall be conclusively presumed to constitute an approval of the materials by the Committee.

(f) As a condition precedent to its consideration of any action upon any matter or material submitted to it hereunder, the Committee shall be entitled to receive a sum fixed by which it shall not exceed Thirty ($30.00) Dollars for each set of plans, specifications, drawings, or other material so submitted: and until such sum shall have been paid to it, any material delivered to the Committee shall not be considered as having been submitted to them for the purpose of the Declaration.

(g) The address of the Committee shall be as stated in Subsection above or at such other place as may from time to time be designated by the Committee in writing mailed, postage prepaid, to the Buyer of any lot in the Subdivision.

22. The Architectural Committee shall initially consist of three (3) members and the following persons shall be the first members of the Committee:
a) Gerald H. Gould
b) J. Wayne Beighle
c) Richard Grimes
The above named persons shall constitute the Architectural Committee for the first four months after the recording of this instrument. The power to replace and fill vacancies among the members of the Committee shall belong solely to and be exercisable only by the Sundance Association, Inc., referred to hereinafter.
Failure to fill any vacancy shall not prevent the running of the 15 day period referred to in Subsection (e) of the second paragraph of Section 20 of the Declaration and shall not prevent the Committee from acting on any matter to the extent that any two members thereof join in the action taken.
23. The native growth on any lot shall not be permitted to be destroyed or removed without the written consent of the Committee pursuant to the aforementioned procedures. The aforementioned plans and specifications shall include any proposals which contemplate the destruction or removal of any native growth.
24. Each member of the Committee, and the W.G. Development Corp., or any agent or employee of the aforementioned, so long as the W.G. Development Corp. owns any lot(s) in the Subdivision, and the Association or any agent or employee thereof after the W.G. Development Corp. ceases to own any lot(s) in the Subdivision, shall at all reasonable hours have access to any lot and structure being built or completed thereon for the purpose of inspection relative to compliance with the Declaration.
25. Neither the W.G. Development Corp., nor the Architectural Committee shall be responsible for any defects in any building or other structure, including a swimming pool, erected, constructed installed, placed, altered or maintained in accordance with or pursuant to any plans and specifications, color scheme, plot plan or grading plan approved by the Committee or any condition or requirements that the Committee may have imposed with respect thereto.
26. The Architectural Committee shall have the right and privilege to permit the owner of any lot or lots, without the consent of the owners of the lots, to deviate from any or all of the covenants and restrictions set forth in the Declaration, provided that such deviation is necessary to full and proper development of Sundance Subdivisions. Any permission of said Committee shall be in writing and shall not constitute a waiver of said Committee's power of enforcement with respect to any of said covenants and restrictions as to other lots.

The covenants and restrictions contained in this Declaration constitute the minimum conditions and restrictions applicable to the lots covered thereby. The W.G. Development Corp. hereby reserves the right to add to or impose by supplemental declarations and other more stringent covenants, restrictions, conditions, limitations and reservations with respect to any lot or lots in Sundance Subdivisions, including the right to increase set back and square footage requirements with respect to buildings and structures and otherwise to increase and supplement but not to diminish said covenants and restrictions affecting said lot or lots except by permit given by the first paragraph of this Section and regardless of the conveyance of any lot(s) subject to the Declaration.

27. The Sundance Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the Association, a corporation not for profit, organized under the laws of the state of Florida, shall have the power to perform the following:

(a) To accept title to or otherwise acquire fee title to or easements for streets, roads, trails, bridle paths, parks, and recreational areas to be available for use in common by the members of the Association or of any other corporation not for profit with which the Association shall have merged.

(b) To accept title to or otherwise acquire personal property to be available for use in common by the members of the Association or of any other corporation not for profit with which the Associationshall have merged.

(c) To acquire and maintain a gatehouse at the entrance to the Subdivision to which the Declaration is applicable or any other property which the Association is empowered to serve.

(d) To improve, light, clean, maintain and replace streets, roads, trails, bridle paths, parks and recreational areas and any other real or personal property acquired by the Association and/or to which it shall have the right of possession.

(e) To provide trash collection and private police protection for the property which the Association is empowered to serve.

(f) To enter into and perform contracts consistent with it's powers under the Declaration and it's status as a corporation not for profit.
(g) To merge or consolidate with another corporation not for profit.
(h) To transfer any or all of its assets to: (i) another corporation not for profit which is empowered and committed to use the transferred assets to serve the Subdivision which assets served while held by the Association or, (ii) to a municipality, county, utility or governmental authority.

(i) To take any action incidental to or reasonably necessary to the full exercise of any of the foregoing powers, including levying of monthly assessments payable in advance, against each lot in the Subdivision.
Every title holder, whether sole or joint, of a lot or lots in Sundance Subdivision, shall automatically be members of the Association subject to the power of its Board of Directors from time to time in accordance with the Association's Articles of Incorporation and By-laws to suspend temporarily some or all privilege of membership either while a member is in default with reference to any assessment or on account of the violation of a rule or regulation promulgated by said Board of Directors. Suspension of membership privileges shall not postpone or reduce membership obligations. In addition to the attributes of Association membership specified in the Declaration, such membership shall have the attributes specified in the Association's Articles of Incorporation and By-laws.

28. The Association by the Board of Directors shall have sole authority to fix and establish monthly assessments payable in advance against each lot in the Subdivision, provided, however, the lots in the Subdivision to which title is held by the W.G. Development Corp. are not subject to assessment.

29. That for the purpose of enforcing the payment of the assessments provided for above, to be levied by the Board of Management, said assessments shall constitute a covenant running with the land, and shall be binding upon the interest of all purchasers, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall remain a lien upon said lands until paid. Said liens shall be in favor of the Board of Directors and upon default, non-payment or non-performance by the owner of any house, said lien may be foreclosed by the Board of Directors, in order to enforce payment of the assessments levied thereby. Any redemption thereafter shall be subject to the continuing lien for future assessments, and any purchase after foreclosure shall be subject to the continuing lien, as provided for herein. It is specifically understood and agreed however, that the lien herein created shall at all times be subordinate and inferior to the lien of any mortgage which now exists or is hereafter created, held by any bonafide lending institutions encumbering said houses or any of them. It is the intention that the lien herein will be secondary and subordinate to the lien of any mortgage loan made by a bonafide lending institution, regardless of the time such mortgage is place of record.

30. Should any provision or part thereof of this Declaration be invalidated by law, regulation or court-decree, such invalidity shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provision or parts thereof.

Signed in the presence of: W.G. Development Corp. By

__________________________ __________________________
R.S. Frankland J.F. Young

__________________________ __________________________
Patricia Bowers
This instrument prepared by

P.O. Box 5427
Sun City Center, FL

Note: These restrictions were transcribed from the original Declarations dated February 22, 1974. Recorded in Hillsborough County Court House, official Record 2840 Page 1 and are applicable to Unit 4 of Sundance Subdivisions. In this transcription the phrase (Unit 4) has been replaced with (Sundance Subdivisions). The restrictions for units 1, 2, 3, 5 are almost identical and are also recorded with the Hillsborough County Court House.

Transcribed by Val Earl, Treasurer February 6, 1985

Also See Sundance Association, Inc. Bylaws and Amendments

Sundance Units I-II-III-IV-V

WHEREAS SUNDANCE LTD., a Florida corporation, the owner under instrument recorded in Official Record Book 3748 Page 908, of the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida, of the parcels of land known as Sundance Subdivisions Units I, II, III, IV and V according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 45, Pages 82-1 through 82-13, of the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida.

AND WHEREAS, said grantor has filed Restrictions of Record previously on the aforedescribed property as found by certain restrictions recorded in O.R. Book 2840, Page 1, and as amended and recorded in O.R. Book 3052, Page 1539 through and including Page 1541, in the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida.

AND IT IS the desire of said Sundance Ltd., to amend Paragraph 3 of the aforementioned Restrictions of Record, so as to provide that no residence shall be constructed on a lot with a fully enclosed floor area of less than 1500 square feet.

AND IT IS the desire of said Sundance Ltd., to amend Paragraph 3 of the aforementioned Restrictions of Record, so as to provide that no residence shall be constructed on a lot without a fully enclosed and continuous foundation.

AND IT IS the desire of said corporation that uniform restrictive covenants and restrictions upon the use and type of buildings and development of the above described land be set forth herewith:

NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with the law, Sundance Ltd., does hereby establish the following amended Paragraph 3 on the above described land which said amended Paragraph 3 shall run with the land and that the Paragraph 3 of the Restrictions heretofore filed of record is terminated, canceled and superseded by the following Paragraph 3:

3. No one story residence shall be constructed on any lot with a fully enclosed floor area of less than 1500 square feet. No one and one-half story or higher residence shall be constructed on any lot with a total area of less than 1500 square feet. No residence shall be constructed on any lot without a fully enclosed and continuous foundation. The foregoing requirements are exclusive of carports, garages, and open porches.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF SUNDANCE LTD. has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its President and its Corporate Seal affixed.

Attested by its Secretary the_______________day of_________________, 1988

SUNDANCE LTD. __________________________________________________

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of:




I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments,


to me well known to be President of Sundance Ltd., who executed the foregoing Amended Declaration of Restrictions and acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose there expressed.

WITNESS my hand and official seal, in the county and state afore said, this________day of_______________, 1988

Notary Public - State of Florida

My Commission Expires:

This instrument prepared by SUNDANCE ASSOCIATION, INC.

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