Basketball lighting

Posted in: Mitchell Park West

Genesis 1:3:    And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

Are you guys really going to argue with the big guy? He said, "Let there be light".  What more needs to be talked about?

Tyler Durden


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Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. ~Galatians 6:7



Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. ~Galatians 6:7


Awesome! I was beginning to think that I was the only one in the neighborhood that believes in God! I was not mocking God in anyway, sense, or form. I was simply quoting the bible, as we are in such a deep discussion which involves LIGHT. It is awesome to know that you are so well read in the bible though! This means you should know that the Christian lifestyle is all about sacrifice and serving. For instance: If ones backyard happens to be facing a public park where 100's of people use and need lighting, One might even consider enduring a tiny bit of discomfort of minimal lighting entering their  yard for the better good? Sacrificing our comfort for a few hours a week so that people can walk through the park with safety, play sports with proper lighting, walk their dogs in peace, skateboard, read books, converse with one another, exercise, and have a sense of community! This would mean a lot to the people that use the park. My house is affected by the lights also. I'm willing to sacrifice a bit of my comfort for the greater good; ARE YOU?

Tyler Durden

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the site allows people to pick a nic-name or 'aka'. it is peoples right to do so. not yours to say they have to. the intention is to have more communication. if using a call name or other is more comfortable for some, what's the difference?

the real issue is respectful communication, discussion.

and i was taught that what you do counts for more than what you say.

people say one thing and do the other all the time. ie: politicians...

and some people dont say anything and do alot.

and vice versa

so maybe best is to have both saying and doing in alignment?

 maybe based on the correct version of the Golden Rule

(the commonly quoted one in the US has problems. every major religion/philosophy has a version, check them out, compare. )

and maybe add onto that 'do no harm' (the first rule of medical practice?)



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