Swan Lake Neighborhood Association

Minutes of the SLNA Executive Board: 2007

Apr 25, 2008

Archived Executive Minutes

The following minutes from the Swan Lake Neighborhood Association Executive Committee.
Several are only a rough-draft copy and do not reflect the final, approved minutes.
Those that are officially approved are noted at the end of the minutes.

The minutes are posted in most recent to the oldest dates.



SLNA meeting begins at 7:13p.m., Tuesday, September 11th.
Present were Caroline, Peter, Lon, Mark, Eric

Caroline opens to recap the minutes
Eric asks for minutes of previous meetings to me e-mailed to him.
Lon says he?’ll do that.

Peter reports on the treasury account:
Checking total: $45.00.
Savings total $3,302.72 (as of June 2007).
Deposit of $85.
Checks made to Pam Beaver for flags and give-a-way of Jack Frank CD (DVD?) for the past holiday party.
Discuss whether to move savings into money market account or keep in F&M Savings.

No new update on COHN

Tulsa Preservation Commission (as reported by Mark) ?–
1507 E. 20th street ?– replace existing door with clear view storm door.
1607 S. Rockford Ave. ?– addition on the alcove.
1719 S. St. Louis Ave. ?– remove metal carport on north side of house

Eric suggests that the SLAN consider starting a recognition award or something, to be presented at the holidayparty,for those homeowners who work hard to improve their exterior, or comply with TPC guidelines.
Board liked idea and suggested promoting it.

Caroline went to National Trust for Historic Preservation conference preliminary meeting last night. The NTHP is looking for help and suggestions, for their upcoming convention in Tulsa, October 2008.
Mark added that this is a real opportunity to showcase Tulsa homes and architecture.
Tulsa was selected by the NTHP because it has the best Art Deco buildings.

Fountain Restoration
Trying to get neighborhood money raised to validate to grant foundations that the neighborhood is serious about fixing the fountain.
15 different foundations have been contacted so far.
Kevin Doyle met with Parks Board today ?– they were very receptive and glad to have the update.
Brochures to raise money in the neighborhood have been handed out ?– return of checks or pledges has been light?…maybe15 people respond so far.

Caroline: We are hoping to get a sign on east side of park bu Utica, artist rendering of what fountain looks like, with the water spray to indicate how much
funding has been raised.

Need some committees to put up holiday lights?…hope to get on right after Utica Square turns there on. Discuss having more electrical outlets to reduce the
demand for extension cords.

Plans announced for a Sunday October 14th SLNA sponsored picnic ?– idea is to announce how much we?’ve collected for the fountain?…need a chairperson and a plan.
Need more volunteers.

Local jazz station and OETA have expressed interest in helping spread the word about the fountain fund.

Eric reported on survey.
It was asked if we could re-activate the survey, as forms are still being sent out with the web address. It was learned that the address was the survey monkey,
and not the neighborhoodlink.com?…which may have caused
some people to shy away from the survey.

New business ?–
Quarterly meeting date set for this month ?– 25th September.
Location to be announced in the near future.

Bloody Swans
Caroline said that recently, the female swan apparently cut her bill on something.
She took the swan to the vet, who placed a protective seal on the swans?’ bill to make it better.
Caroline brought the swan back yesterday and the swan broke the protective seal, causing it to bleed and smear on the swans feathers, as she cleaned herself.
The health risks appairently are minimal but look frightful.

Meeting adjourned around 8:15p.m.


MARCH 2007

More than 65 people attended the March 27th general meeting of the Swan Lake Neighborhood Association.

Co-President Stacey Bayles opened the meeting at 7:15p.m. with a brief introduction of the new SLNA officers and followed that with an introduction of Kevin Doyle for an update on the fountain restoration project.

Next, members of the Midtown Tulsa Redux project discussed the work that was put into looking for creative ways to infill existing neighborhoods.

Bayles then took the floor to explain and encourage people to use the soon-to-be available "Neighborhood Survey".
The survey will allow residents to give direct input on what they feel are the important issues facing the neighborhood and where the officers should direct efforts.

A "Cart Service Demonstration Project" was discussed as well as the pending "15th & Utica Street Improvement Project" before the floor was turned over to Dr. John Ruffing and his "17th. Place and Utica Street Closing Application".

The topic of barricading 17th Place at Utica brought in much discussion with a multitude of input from both those who live on that block as well as those who live on adjoining streets.

Additional information about these topics will be posted on this newsletter in the near future.

Comments, questions and suggestions may be sent to our main e-mail address (swanlake_tulsa@yahoo.com) or directly to any of the officers.
Contact information on the SLNA officers may be found on the front page of this web site, under the heading "Neighborhood Contact".


FEBRUARY 13, 2007

February 13, 2007

A meeting of the Executive Committee and Committee Chairs of the Swan Lake Neighborhood Association (the ?“Association?”) was held at 7:00 p.m. on February 13, 2007 at the home of Caroline Benediktson, 1569 Swan Drive, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Those in attendance were:

Stacey Bayles, Co-President
Joe Dennis, Co-President
Caroline Benediktson, Vice President
Peter Doerr, Treasurer
Lon Foster, Secretary
Eric Scholl, Editor, Sign of the Swan Newsletter
Mark Mobbs, TPC COA Subcommittee Representative

Kevin Doyle, President, Swan Lake Water Fowl Society, was absent.

Also in attendance was Chip Atkins, former President of the Association.

Stacey Bayles and Joe Dennis, Co-Presidents, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Lon Foster acted as Secretary of the meeting.
The following matters were discussed and acted on at the meeting:

1. Mark Brown, Manager of Traffic Operations of the Tulsa Public Works Department was present and discussed the intersection plans at 15th and Utica.
Mr. Brown reported that most of the right-of-ways necessary for the project had been obtained.
Michael Hensley, a Utility Relocation Manager with AEP indicated that additional acquisition of right-of-way may be necessary. The owner of the Arvest Bank Building has objected to one version of the intersection plan costing $50,000.
The building owner supports a plan of utility relocation down Troost Avenue costing of $700,000.
Mr. Brown said he would keep the Association informed as to further developments.

Mr. Brown also indicted a pedestrian crossing at 15th and St. Louis is under consideration.
Mr. Brown then left the meeting.

2. The January 9, 2007 minutes were approved and the January 30,, 2007 minutes were discussed with corrections.

3. Peter Doerr made a Treasurer?’s report.
New signature cards for the Association?’s checking and savings accounts at F & M Bank were signed.
Mr. Doerr indicated that copies of bank account statements will be distributed to all members of the Executive Committee in the future and he will work on a 2007 budget for review by the Executive Committee.
Mr. Doerr is seeking copies of old records and will be in contact with Paul Nelson, a former Treasurer of the Association.

4. Stacey Bales indicated the Coalition of Historic Neighborhoods, commonly known as COHN, has requested financial support from the Association.
Stacey has requested a copy of the Bylaws and additional information from COHN to get a better understanding of its mission.
Stacey reported that COHN will request the Tulsa Preservation Commission to revise its guidelines to make them consistent for all neighborhoods.
There are currently five neighborhoods with Historical Preservation status.
The Executive Committee questioned whether all historic neighborhoods should be subject to the same standards since the historical neighborhoods are different in nature.

5. With respect to the Swan Lake fountain restoration project, an update of estimated cost is being prepared by the Tulsa Parks Department.

6. Dr. Hinkle has withdrawn his PUD application with the City and will continue with a one story office building at 17th Place and Utica in compliance with existing zoning restrictions.
After being contacted by members of the Executive Committee, he indicated no interest in discussing the project with Swan Lake representatives.

7. Stacey Bayles announced that the neighborhood would hold a meeting at 6:30 p.m. on February 20th to discuss the pilot program for weekly trash pickup.
The same group that met with the Executive Committee on January 30, 2007 will be present at the meeting to make a presentation and to answer questions from members of the neighborhood.

8. A discussion followed with Chip Atkins concerning his application with the City to close 17th Place.
He indicated he believed the Executive Committee made a mistake in opposing the application.
Various members of the Executive Committee indicated that they did not support the street closing because they did not believe that it was in the best interest of the Swan Lake neighborhood as a whole.
Much discussion follwed.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Lon Foster, Secretary

Stacey Bayles, Co-President
Joe Dennis, Co-President


JANUARY 30, 2007

January 30, 2007

A meeting of the Executive Committee and Committee Chairs of the Swan Lake Neighborhood Association (the ?¢???œAssociation?¢???) was held at 6:30 p.m. on January 30, 2007 at the home of Caroline Benediktson, 1569 Swan Drive, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Those in attendance were:
Stacey Bayles, Co-President
Caroline Benediktson, Vice President
Peter Doerr, Treasurer
Lon Foster, Secretary
Eric Scholl, Editor, Sign of the Swan Newsletter
Mark Mobbs, TPC COA Subcommittee Representative
Kevin Doyle, President, Swan Lake Water Fowl Society
Joe Dennis, Co-President, was absent.

Stacey Bayles, Co-President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Lon Foster acted as Secretary of the meeting.
The following matters were discussed and acted on at the meeting:

1. The following were present to discuss a pilot program for weekly trash pickup in the Swan Lake neighborhood:

Frank Erwin, City of Tulsa PW Field Customer Services Manager;

Laureen Gibson Gilroy, City of Tulsa PW Recycling Coordinator;

Jim Hinds, John Droulliard and Lynn Ellison of Tulsa Refuse Inc.; and Gary Percefull, TFI Public Relations Manager.

Mr. Erwin made a presentation about the pilot program.
The pilot program is a demonstration project to provide trash pickup weekly and recyclables pickup weekly.
The City will provide a 96 gallon trash container to each resident.
The area proposed for this pilot project is the area from Peoria to Utica, and from 17th Street north to the Broken Arrow Expressway.
This area was selected because it represents one complete route for the trash pickup.
There are approximately 290 ?¢???“ 300 houses affected by the project.
Notices will be sent out to all residences on the route and a community meeting will be held to discuss the pilot program. Following the meeting, survey cards will be sent to all residences to vote on whether to accept the pilot program.
A 75% approval is necessary to initiate the project.

Following Mr. Erwin?¢???™s presentation, a question and answer period followed with Mr. Erwin, Mr. Hines and Mr. Percefull responding to questions.
One member of the Board, Lon Foster, participated in such a program while residing in Oklahoma City and he reported a very satisfactory experience with the program.

After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, the
Executive Committee unanimously approved participation in the pilot program.

2. The minutes of the January 9, 2007 Executive Committee meeting were distributed.

3. Peter Doerr, Treasurer, made a report and noted that new signature cards would need to be filed for the Association?¢???™s bank account.

4. The matter involving appointment of a representative on the Coalition of Historic Neighborhoods was deferred to the February meeting. \The President reported that Chip Atkins wants to continue as the Association?¢???™s representative.

5. Mark Mobbs was reappointed to continue as the Association?¢???™s representative on the Tulsa Preservation Committee Certificate of Appropriateness Subcommittee for 2007.

6. President Bayles reported that Dr. Hinkle had pulled his PUD application for development of an office building at the northwest corner of 17th Place and South Utica. The Executive Committee discussed and approved approaching Dr. Hinkle to continue discussions in an effort to reach a solution acceptable to all parties.

7. President Bayles reported that Chip Atkins had filed an application in July, 2006 to close the street at 17th Place and South Utica.
Executive Committee members were unaware that the application had been filed until notified recently by President Bayles.
Discussion of various issues followed including failure to bring the matter before the Association, safety and congestion issues, the impact on the entire neighborhood, neighborhood density and access to and from the neighborhood.
After extensive discussion, all persons present at the meeting authorized President Bayles to send a letter indicating the Association?¢???™s opposition to the application.

8. A quarterly membership meeting was set for the 4th Tuesday of March at 7:30 p.m. at a place to be determined.

9. Eric Scholl discussed the publication and distribution of the Swan Lake newsletter.

10. Some residents had complained about the lighting at the St. John Urgent Care Center on South Utica.
The lights are quite bright and disturbing to neighbors. President Bayles reported that the building?¢???™s architects are looking at the lighting in an effort to find a solution to the problem.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Lon Foster, Secretary

Stacey Bayles, Co-President

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