Dave - I just want to comment on the Board's decision to open the use swimming pool facility to non-Promontory Point Homeowners. I myself do not favor with this decision. First, our pool is not as big enough to accomodate other neighborhoods in peak season. Second, the $175 payment does not justify to use the facility with same full previleges as Promontory Point Homeowners simply because they are non member and they are not paying the same HOA dues.
I can imagine that in some days during peak season that the pool is so full a that legitimate Promontory homeowners cannot use the pool because it is occupied by a non-member. What I know is that Promontory Point facility is supposed to be exclusively used by Promontory Point homeowners only. I understand Scott's concerns regarding this, and I may suggest that -- decision such as these, involving person/s that is a non-Promontory homeowners to use our facility should be put into a vote so other homeowners can have a say not just a selected few.