For questions related to neighborhood activities or to pass on concerns, please email us at the address below:
The Sycamore Highlands neighborhood consists of approximately 800 homes and 4 apartment complexes. The community is comprised of residents of diverse backgrounds and is near the University of California at Riverside. The Sycamore Highlands community is bounded by Sycamore Canyon Blvd and Central Ave to the north and west and an adjacent nature preserve (Sycamore Canyon Park) to the south and east.
Community members are civic minded and participate in community and city-wide functions to include participation on City of Riverside boards and committees.
The Sycamore Highlands Community Action Group was formed in February of 2002 with the main goal at that time of encouraging community involvement to lobby for the development of our neighborhood park. Our mission statement is to improve the welfare of our community and to make our neighborhood a safe and beautiful place to live. Our neighborhood group represents the interests of the community by connecting with various City of Riverside agencies and discussing issues with community leaders. Thanks to the efforts of our members, our neighborhood park was completed in 2005. Our organization also sponsors community events each year to bring community members together. If you have a great idea for a community event, please contact us!
To fund our community events and projects, we raise money through community garage sales, generous neighbor donations, and matching community grants from the City of Riverside.
Find us on Facebook:\sycamorehighlands
Email us at: