Angela Carson-Wright, Abilene
Several years ago, I met Dr. Lydia Long during one of our Greater Kiwanis of Abilene meetings. While I had heard previously of her community work, I did not know her personally. I was impressed by her drive and passion for Abilene.
She had started a nonprofit called The Park People and we became friends during the Camp Barkeley dog park project.
Watching her work on the dog park project was amazing. Guiding volunteers, she took the project from the ground up and raised over $100,000 in private donations to successfully build a dog park in less than a year. Anyone who can take a total group of strangers, bring them together and keep them working together, has some great skills at working with people.
Once the park was built, she stepped aside, and let full credit go to the volunteers and donors. The only recognition she received for all her work is the small notation on the signs, "The Park People." Not her name. Why? Because she considers it a community project built with community dollars.
Why do I tell you this? Dr. Long is currently running for Justice of the Peace, Pct. 1, Place 1. Her Ph.D in criminal justice, extensive training in many areas of the justice system and years of experience as an educator make her fully qualified to be our Justice of the Peace. I have seen her impressive negotiation skills and her strong desire to serve.
Combine her passion for serving our community with her experience and you will have a JP who makes fair and impartial decisions.
I will proudly vote for Lydia Long for JP, the fair, impartial and qualified candidate.