well, my wife informed me today that when she went to our beloved little park, it was so vandalized, it wasnt even funny. the benches were turned over and there was grafitti all over the place, cant something be done??? i know its those stupid teenagers who walk around in the middle of the night, when their parents ignorantly believe they are at a "friends" house...but thats another topic. cant our HOA hire a security guard to drive around the subdivision and keep an eye on our park and common areas? we shouldnt put up with this, we spend a lot of money each year to contribute to the renovation of such things as our park and pool, we shouldnt have to see these things, especially where our kids play! please call our HOA and voice your concerns about this. this is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in our NW side and since we moved here last july 07, we have seen more and more vandalism, not only in our subdividivision but in our neighbors as well. hope we can all do something to make our community a safer place. Nat'l night out is happening soon, and at the same park thats been vandalized, we should have a discussion about this then. thanks for reading, and please feel free to add your comments.