Gaseous Nuisance

Posted in: River Trails
Thanks For the insight

I googled, I read and learned and judging from what I read in my research, I am no longer willing to sign, $1000 now wil have huge financial consequences if I should ever decide to sale. I also found out that the assumption that they will drill anyway is inaccurate, and unlike 3 years ago, now they are required to be 1000 ft away from ones property that does not sign rather that 300 ft. The ugly trucks and impact on our environment from the massive loss of tres was bad enough, the hit on property values is huge. The information is easy to find, just look.
I think everyone got over zealous, because when a person hears, oil, gas and mineral rights they see $$$ signs, well with the size of our properties it's likely to be $ instead of $$ or $$$, but the impact on our property $$$'s is huge. I also found out some will get nothing because it's based on per foot of natural gas one has under his or her home (you may have none). I also took a closer look at Trinity and you are correct, the fences belong to the property owners, just as yours and mine, I get fined if my fence is in ill repair, so the homeowners need to replace their fence's and then an entry beautification project will be much cheaper. It would be nice if some huge local mandate would replace all our fences and while we're at it pay to maintain all our lawns.
Gas well

I think it is great that you people have been doing some research on the issues that concern our environment.

The gas wells that Carrizo plans to drill will be either from the existing pads south or north of River Trails, or a new location east of Precint Line. None of the locations will harm any trees or change our neighborhood in any way. The drilling will take 45 to 90 days to complete. Any damage to the streets must be promptly repaired and Precint Line Road is due to be rebuilt in a few years anyway.

Yes, all the fences belong to all the homeowners. But a new common wall along these streets will make the entire neighborhood look more appealing and boost property values. Just look at the wall across Trinity. Their homes sell for 10 to 40 thousand more than ours with the same square feet. And the wall is free. No one wants to pay to replace their fence. No matter how bad it gets. City law does not require anyone to have a fence. Trinity Bulevard will be rebuilt in afew years with sidewalks and all and our neighborhood will be highly visible.
I'm with you

I agree. Its not worth it. I'm not signing.
Final offer made

Good Evening River Trails,

Great news! The new lease is ready!

We have reached an agreement with Carrizo Oil and Gas. You should receive an informational letter in the mail today or tomorrow from their land company Cheaha.

The lease signing is at River Trails Elementary this Saturday from 9:30 - 5pm in the cafeteria. They will have leases for you to sign.

The gas lease committee has reviewed this lease several times. We made sure that clauses were included to protect our neighborhood from dust and loud noise.

We also added a clause to communitize this lease. All persons signing will benefit from any well that is drilled within our boundaries.

As well as the Carrizzo representatives, we will have a representative from RTHA at the meeting all day.

The terms of the lease are

$10,000 per acre
25% royalty
3 year lease with a 2 year renewal option

We would like to see a great turnout Saturday.

Even if you are not sure if you have your mineral rights you should attend. The land men will be able to answer those kinds of questions.

Carrizo has agreed to build a wall for us along Trinity and Precinct Line.

The wall alone is worth $400,000+ . It will be a great addition to improve the appearance of our neighborhood.

See you Saturday!

Connie Rensink

RTHA ?– A Neighborhood Association

P.S. Remember that all persons on the deed of your home must be present at signing. You must also have positive identification.

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