Your BOD voted to drill up to two test wells into the Austin Chaulk. We are using the same company that drilled the Gordon Hartman wells in Morgan's wonderland, 1.9 miles due East of us. If we are successful & leave the Edwards Auquifer, the Authority will wave the $15k we owe them. It's worth a try. Target date: thirty days.
Your BOD also voted to lease water rights, from our existing well, if needed, till the end of '09.
Your BOD voted to hire Buck Benson's law firm for HOA matters.
Your BOD voted to terminate our agreement with RealManage effective 08/31/09, at midnight. "We did not feel it was the right relationship" A presentation will be made by the proposed local management company at the July Roundtable 7/28, 7 pm. Start date of a new company, 09/01/09, 12:01 am
Your BOD voted to terminate our landscaping agreement with RioS/A effective in two weeks. We have two volunteers to maintain the main areas until the need arises to hire a replacement company. Monthly savings $1,100.
Voting was unanimous.
Kevin Ott
Board President