Isn't it funny when:
1. You get up to a nice, chilly Saturday Morning (early)
2. Get the lawn mower out and cut the yard
3. Get the trimmer and trim.
4. Get the edger and edge.
5. Get the blower and blow
6. Rake
7. Water
and it looks absolutely nice...
(then in the afternoon)
Then I go to the mail a letter from Wildwood......and it states..."cut your grass"......
Now I know what a kick that I can't really complain....
Not even when the same company and Board hired some ( or got volunteers) to cut the lake of its 2 foot high vegetation....the afternoon before.....and on top of that left a very dangerous situation of cuttings strewn about....
Snakes, fire hazzard, insects along with polluting the lake with excessive rotting vegetation that was not collected, is not a good thing.....
We pay our dues and we expect that our public access areas be just as nice as the front park....
Hmmm......what's the story there?