I understand CCHOA committee members are being asked to sign confidentiality statements. This appears to be another step by the CCHOA leadership to impede open, honest communication to its membership.
If you are a committee member and/or if you are asked to sign a confidentiality statement, please consider the following response to the requestor:
''No, I will not sign a confidentiality statement regarding CCHOA activities. If the Board is concerned about confidentiality and appropriate communications regarding CCHOA activities, the Board should present to the CCHOA the proposed CCHOA Bylaws and Code of Ethics that were presented to the Board in the Summer, 2003. If these documents are passed by the CCHOA members, I will agree to abide by the Bylaws and Code of Ethics, as should the CCHOA Board members and officers.''
Thanks for your consideration.
Pam Voss