Sorry, listen - we are getting robbed and broken into but the police force is not patrolling more due to these crimes. They are in our neighborhood because of constant calls made about riders in the trails. I guess if we called the mayor and complained like a certain neighbor has about dirt bike riders, we might get a little more help and police assistance with break-ins. Question - is that what it takes? To bitch and complain to the major to get more police to patrol our neighborhood? Cause if that is the cause, then let's start making in calls. Here is the phone number: Phone: (817) 871-6117. A little bit about our mayor "Mayor Moncrief is a successful Fort Worth business owner who is involved in various community and civic affairs" take that for what it says. This is like the 5th attempted break-in and they are getting classified as 2 or 3? For the police to state that robberies are occurring due to economic reasons ought to put these calls as class 1 or are they saying that due to economic times, this is going to happen and be prepared? However, if I called them right now and told them someone was riding in the trails, they would be here in 5 mins. Hmmm. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Yes, we all need to watch out for one another....and we are. Saying it and doing it. Putting on the alarms . Keeping our dogs inside. We are doing what we NEED to be doing. All that I am asking for as a tax payer, when the police are called, get out here and prioritize the damn calls.