Treover, A Condominium Inc.

Boats and Trailers block view

Posted in: Chesterfield
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  • webbera
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As far as safely concerns go.  I just came from an area where the trailer free community road has had more deaths on it and serious accidents then the trailer road.  We had 3 upside down cars and in one case the car had hit a kid on the sidewalk.  Another case the car went uncontrollably into someone back yard through the kids playground [kid was not there] .  The fact is the wider road will allow more speeders trough than ever before.  Traffic calming will barely work and there will be more horrific incidents then before.  There are studies and real world data that prove wider roads allow for faster driving. 

Which would you rather cross in front of a car going 20 over around a bend that you cannot see or a car gingerly navigating the bend because there are obstructions? Even been to the grocery store? How fast to cars go by near the front of the store and how fast do they go through the rest of the parking lot?   Also trailers give the pedestrian a safety zone.  Any debris from an accident will be shielded from anyone on the sidewalk if there are trailers, help slow down cars that have lost control and just in general reduce the speed of traffic.

You want to cross the road between trailers?  Well that's called j-walking and is illegal.  You need to cross at corners and in designated cross-walks people. 

As a homework assignment before there are any rebuttals to this post.  Go out and find actually facts about road safety.  Go out learn read about which roads are safer.  Try not to let feeling get in the way of fact.  Also try to have compassion for your fellow neighbors.  Do they not deserve to have recreational activities?  Shouldn't they be allowed to have a camper or a boat to go camping or boating when they are not working? 

In addition, why cannot the same rules apply to trailers and boats on the street that apply to homes?  If the trailers are dirty or the covers ripped let the owners know they need to fix it. O and if you really want to be a good neighbor how bout a community trailer wash.  Bring your trailer by for a wash so it looks good on the street.

A side note.  There are two empty pool parking lots over the winter season.  How bout offering up those to trailer owners while they are not in use?

  • Stock
  • webbera
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 3 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

this is the first paragraph for the above post.



Wow you all feel so strongly about how bad the neighborhood looks with trailers and how unsafe they are.  I disagree.  Anyone ever been camping?  Campers are some of the nicest people around.  Very social happy people willing to help you out when you need it.  Ever been on a boat in the water?  Yes it really is like that commercial.  Waiving when you pass other boats and again if you need help someone is always out there willing to give a hand.  A community full of boats and trailers is a reflection on the people that live there.  When first moving into the neighborhood the trailers and boats were a good sign.  They cancelled out the fact that I would have to deal with a HOA.   

Its not just Leeds either, Old Crown is looking pretty hick too.  I wish I knew a simple answer.  I can see both sides of the issue.  I think off street is the answer, but I am not sure where.  If there was a designated lot for RV's, etc, then you open up a security problem.   A shame we couldn't use the pool parking lot in the wintertime when no one is using it.

I agree.  The boats and trailers are unsightly and hazardous.  I live off of Tower Bridge Drive and there are plenty of them on that street also.  Now, they are being hit by graffiti and our neighborhood is beginning to look like a ghetto.  The HOA should make this illegal.  I heard that one reason is that the condos don't allow trailers and boats in their section, so they are now storing them into the rest of Chesterfield.  I intend to go the the next HOA meeting in January to voice the concern.  Everyone should consider going to the HOA meetings.  Maybe we can do something about this.


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