I welcome all the area neighbors! This is my first post, however when I found this great site with neighborhood links I was disappointed that our neighborhood association was not represented. That of course is possible because our neighborhood has not been organized, yet. Obviously, that means if anyone is interested I will be doing some research into either revitalizing or remaking North Stonewall Terrace Neighborhood Association and promoting the benefits of our neighborhood.
I am now 65, disabled, divorced, and my son aged 38 lives with me along with my very small Brussels Griffons who think they are humans with fur. They all have microchips so if they ever get out by accident, I can find them. The BG, that is, my son has his cellphone that he keeps on him. I was disabled from a MVA in 2000, had my death experience, lots of surgeries and still have issues including serious migraines. My son, an ASE Tech, was hurt on the job a couple of years ago, got a very raw deal outta that, and has been trying to overcome all the pain and frustrations involved by going MOBILE as he can. He has serious issues with back/hip spasms and I help him get to our favorite Chiropractor up the street, Dr Raymond, who has helped us both keep walking instead of becoming wheelchair bound. We do believe in God and DO mind our own business. We pay it forward. We stay quiet and I don't leave my yard often. I have very little visitors. I have to rest a lot due to injuries. I have put a sign on my front door "Keep it down, I'm on the PHONE" because I have the IB Call Center I work sometimes and it has zero tolerance for background sound. That includes my dogs barking from doorbells, others talking, etc. I like my little job I do to suppliment my income as it helps buy groceries for us. This sign was also put up due to some neighbors YELLING my name for unknown reasons. I think they had a nervous breakdown. That same residence has started doing this again, so ... My son's pride has kept him from signing up for Food Stamps or any other assistance so Mom to the rescue and he tries to do what he can. Dr Raymond has been a big help in this.
I am enjoying maintaining my home which is free/clear and my son will inherit. We customize to fit our personalities. I love flowers and white fences and solar lighting. I do get grumpy when I see neighborhood kids hit my solar panels then run laughing. Or poke a stick through the fence at one of my dogs. Or stomp my flowers for fun. Or throw mud on my trash cans. I don't want a MOMMIE lynch mob to discuss this, I just want the kids to behave and stay in their own yards - don't bug me. That includes, don't try walking into my home when I've no clue WHO you are! This happens in this neighborhood now....
My furbabies think they are humans and enjoy yelling at everyone who passes. They seem to think you can understand their hellos. They mind pretty well but are highly intelligent animals and love humans, esp children, which they find fascinating because they are small as they are. I discourage interaction due to the fact children need to learn from their own parents. I just keep my little family to ourselves. My dogs can catch colds too. When/if this happens, I make chicken soup. We are family. My own, except for my son, is basically, gone. When my stepfather passed from pancreatic cancer in '99, I had done care for him over a year. It was the hardest tough love I had ever endured in my life but I had promised Mom when she passed in '93 from cancer, that I'd look after him. I keep my promises as best as I can. I loved them dearly and those memories are precious to me. (They had St Bernards) These little furbabies are VERY important to me too. My little female is scheduled for face/eye surgery soon.
well, enough history on us. What about you? Since I don't stop people walking/joggin around, tell tell ... there's aelderly brother/sister couple who used to walk regularly that I haven't seen out in the past month or so, I do hope they're doing ok. As I said, I'm not nosy so I've no clue of their name. What you can count on me for is calling the Police if prowlers/burglars come around.... I carry a cellphone and don't hesitate if I'm sure
btw, I do have a sign on my car for my website where I sell vitamins which helped me survive my injuries. And I say thank GOD, a lot.
Do I need to POST SIGNS saying do not vandalize my property or you will be prosecuted by the law? I do have Police email addresses. ... This would make the neighborhood look tacky but so does knowing you can't have property safety around here ... |
Yesterday I took my female dog, BamBam, for her face surgery so lots of rest is in order around here, yet ... today a couple of little girls ages ranging about 10-12 yrs old, stopped in front of my house to talk. That makes my dogs bark. These little girls didn't stop anywhere else. They pointed at my solar lamps and fence and car sign and just chattered as if deaf. My dogs, all the while in the house, going up n down against the glass telling me someone was outside close to the house. This includes the one who had surgery yesterday. The Vet didn't approve tranquilizers, only antibiotics and pain killers so now she's throwing up and I am trying to calm her. I was working online during this entire chaois - what fun my neighborhood has turned into! One cannot have peace and quiet anymore cause kids are taking over to do whatever THEY want to do. I hope the schools are teaching them to read cause my sign on my door does say KEEP IT DOWN - I'M ON THE PHONE. I do attempt to work from home and if this were a brick n mortar job, a cop would be arresting someone for disturbing the peace! yesterday it was a bicycle running up n down my sidewalk.... she could just have easily been on the other side of the street, or go to the other end of the street, but no ... she wanted on my side, in front of my house! I only want PEACE and QUIET here, and don't break my things |