Villa Lee

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What is the recycling system in this neighborhood? When does it get picked up? Who can I contact to get a new recycling bin? Thanks! Anna more
Started: August 7th 2007Replies: 1

Interested in Learning How To use the Computer?

Are you tired of feeling left out of the "Computer Game" and you live in Fairfax County.  I can teach you all you need to know to use computers for social networking, skype, Excel, Word,... more
Started: July 18th 2014Replies: 0

Bartering Opportunity

FAIRFAX RESIDENTS - I live in Fredericksburg, VA and I work in Fairfax County.  My commuting is increasing and I am currently working on a project where I need to be closer to work for the next... more
Started: July 10th 2014Replies: 0

Villa Lee Real Estate and Home Values

See the Latest Real Estate Information about this Neighborhood

Instant Home Value

A Guide for First Time Homebuyers
Classifiedsm Neighborhood Link has created a series of articles for the first time home buyer that will help guide you through this exciting but some times overwhelming process. Buying Your First Home! Buying your first...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Set Goals For Your HOA!
Goalsm With the New Year comes new opportunities and areas for improvement. Just as we make personal resolutions, now is the time to set goals for your homeowners association. It’s the start of a new year....
Building Communities Through Committees
Buildingcommunitythumb Creating a Committee To begin the committee selection process, it is advisable to hold an open meeting describing the types of committees available and their purpose. In order to guide each committee, a board ...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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