(The monthly meeting of the Villa Marbella Homeowners' Association Board of Directors was called to order
by Mr. Gabe Schmera at 7:00pm Thursday July 12th, 2001, in B-205 (Bert Donaldson's' condo)).
In Attendance:
Gabe Schmera, Vice President
Edith Donaldson
Dan Divine, Treasurer
Dan Little, Manager
Bert Donaldson, Secretary
Terry Wynne
Lloyd Cook
Minutes. (Note: Minutes of the June 14th meeting were mailed to owners about July 26th.)
Financial Report:
1) Financial Summary: (taken from financial statements)
Money in Bank Accounts 5/31: $121,416
Money in Bank Accounts 6/30: $121,820
Increase: $404
Payments During June 2001: (totaling $12,886):
Administration: $900 Insurance: $841
Sewer & Water: $3185 Gas & Electricity $3130
Services (a grouping of the following fixed fee HOA service expenses: Trash, Janitors, Pool Service, Elevator, Pest Control, Gardening, Inspection, Gate Phone): $3281
Maintenance & Supplies (nonroutine repairs & maintenance, and supplies): $294 Taxes & Tax Prep: $1255
2) Status of Delinquent Accounts. Liens were being placed on two condos, one in A-Bldg and one in B-Bldg, whose owners were both about $500 delinquent. Three other owners, less than $200 delinquent, will be sent "demand" letters. The status of other delinquencies was discussed.
Homeowners' Session:
1) Motion Sensors and Lower Power Lights were suggested for energy reduction. Since these ideas had been discussed before, quite a bit of concurrence was expressed. Motion sensors in the trash chute hallways were favored, but there was an estimate that only 10 cents per week would be saved, and it would take 20 years to break even. Anyway, the consensus was to get cost estimates for labor and materials to put in such motion sensors to operate the lights by trash chutes.
Removing 1 out of 4 hallway lights was also men-tioned (also see minutes of February 22 and April 21 meetings). A MOTION passed to have a handyman do that. (Note: At the August meeting it was reported that the hallway fixtures do not work with only one out of two fluorescent tubes on.)
2) Emergency Lights, which are mostly used to illuminate stairwells in case of power outages, were reported to be not working in many places. A MOTION passed to have a handyman test and repair all emergency lights.
3) Roof's Condition was questioned, since it's been about 10 years since it was replaced. The Manager said a recent evaluation of the roof resulted in an estimate of "maybe another three to five years" of usefulness.
Old Business:
1) Parking Lot Repair, Seal & Striping. The work was completed earlier in the week. It was reported that some cars seemed to be damaging the new asphalt, and some sand was put on the new asphalt to protect it. Also, several parking spaces were renumbered. #78-#104 were renumbered by mistake, each lowered by one number to be #77-#103.
2) Garden Window Work was discussed at length. Two out of the three owners who had badly sagging boards under their windows had the HOA-recommended handyman (Ron Stachewicz) replace them. The third wouldn't allow access, and is being charged monetary penalties. It was reported that Home Depot sells a beeswax penetrating water sealer that is good for protecting those window boards from water damage.
As for the several windows that are sagging away from the building, a low-cost method to secure them to the wall was discussed. It involves connecting the garden window to the older (but now unused) window frame that is about two inches from the garden window. More evaluation of the method will be done to verify that it works.
3) Cable TV Feed to Tom Foolery in Scandia Plaza. Letters and consent forms were reviewed regarding a proposed Cox Cable TV connection to the Tom Foolery restaurant/bar in the Scandia Plaza. Revisions requested by the HOA were provided by Cox Cable and Tom Foolery, and so the paperwork was signed and given back to a Tom Foolery employee.
4) Gardeners. There has been no contact with the Deniz landscape service company for some time. Methods of getting communications to them were discussed.
5) Unusual Traffic, disturbing some neighbors, report-edly is occurring at one A-Bldg condo.
Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned about 8:15pm.
Chuy Ma, President
(signed 7-21-02)
Bert Donaldson, Secretary
NOTE: The next meeting was Thursday August 16th at 7pm in B-205. Upcoming meetings are on Thursday September 13th 7pm in B-205, Thursday October 11th at 7pm in B205, and Thursday November 8th at 7pm in B-205.
Manager: Dan Little, 298-9973
Secretary: Bert Donaldson, 224-3095
MANAGEMENT: Little & Sons Property Management, 411 Camino del Rio, South, Suite 201, San Diego CA 92108.
MANAGER'S E-MAIL: dglittle@littleandsons.com