JULY 29, 1999
(The monthly meeting of the Villa Marbella Homeowners' Association Board of Directors was called to order by Albert Leggs at 7:00pm Thursday July 29, 1999, in B-306 (Beverly Powers' unit) ).
In Attendance:
Albert Leggs, President Dan Divine, Treasurer
Beverly Powers, Vice Pres. Stephanie Trump
Bert Donaldson, Secretary Dan Little, Manager
Minutes. (Note: Minutes of the June 17th meeting were mailed to owners about July 26th.)
Financial Report:
1) Financial Summary: (taken from financial handouts)
Money in Bank Accounts 5/31: $136,981
Money in Bank Accounts 6/30: $133,702
Decrease: $3,279
Payments During June (totaling $16,027):
Admin: $945 Insurance: $941
Sewer & Water: $1581 Gas & Electric: $1864
Services (a grouping of the following fixed-fee HOA service expenses: Trash, Janitors, Pool Service, Elevator, Pest Control, Gardening, Inspection, Gate Phone): $3041
Maintenance & Supplies (non-routine repairs & maintenance, and supplies): $845 Carpets: $6810
Various items on the financial statements were discussed, including $6,810 initial payment for the carpets.
2) Status of Delinquent Accounts. Two liens were still in place, one on an A-Bldg condo and one on a B-Bldg condo. The owners of both condos were about $1000 and $1400 delinquent, respectively.
3) Authorized Signatures on Accounts. As a result of trying to get money from CD in Washington Mutual (formerly Great Western), the Treasurer learned that HOA signatures on file are out of date. A MOTION passed authorizing account signature powers to Albert Leggs (President), Beverly Powers (Vice President), Chuy Ma (2nd Vice President), Dan Little (Treasurer), and Bert Donaldson (Secretary).
Old Business:
1) Fumigation was discussed for most of an hour. Four estimates are in hand. The next step seems to be to select a company and dates for the work. Numerous potential problems, such as keys and security, were discussed. (NOTE: Fumigation information and a questionnaire are being sent with these minutes. If you have not received it, contact Little & Sons at once.)
2) Interior Painting. The interior painting done in March and April was briefly discussed. The contractor is willing to resolve alleged problems with paint peeling on some doors.
3) Carpeting. At meeting time, Carpet Club was just about done with the carpet job. Beverly Powers will do a walkthrough to see if anything else needs to be done. The HOA will do some touch up painting in the trash chute halls where the linoleum is. (Note:. The new carpet is a dark teal color called Slumbering Pine.)
4) HOA Insurance. The Board again discussed getting State Farm and Farmers' agents to come to a meeting to try to explain their policies. Farmers has offered a lower rate.
5) Garden Bay Window Repair. The contractor who is to come and repair a garden window is Jack Porter. He will do the repair on a basis of reimbursement for time and materials. Then he will propose how to do the others. Stephanie Powers said hers was recently repaired, so it was suggested that the repair of hers be compared to the repair that Jack Porter is supposed to do, before a repair method for all is approved.
6) Roof Antennas. The two satellite antenna installations and licenses were discussed.
New Business.
1) Exterior Repairs & Improvements. Beverly Powers mentioned some needed repairs or improvements. Balcony railings seem to be loose, and carport roofs look faded. Vinyl siding was even mentioned.
2) Attorney on Retainer. There was discussion about authorizing $500 to get Anderson & Kriger on retainer. The $500 would allow unlimited telephone consultation, and reduced rates, among other things.
3) Little & Sons Has New E-Mail Address: "dglittle@littleandsons.com". They also have a new FAX number: 1-888-845-7129. It was also mentioned that there is an HOA web site.
Executive Session: An owner came in to discuss a warning letter about a dog.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned about 9:15pm.
Chuy Ma, 2nd Vice President
Bert Donaldson, Secretary
NOTE: The next meeting was Thursday August 19th. Upcoming meetings are 7pm Wednesday September 15th in B-205, 7pm Thursday October 21st in B-205, and Monday November 22nd in B-205.
Manager: Dan Little, 298-9973
President: Albert Leggs, 589-0980
Secretary: Bert Donaldson, 224-3095