(The monthly meeting of the Villa Marbella Homeowners' Association Board of Directors was called to order about 7:05pm Monday February 2nd, 2004, by Chuy Ma, in B-205 (Bert Donaldson’s condo)).
In Attendance:
Chuy Ma, President
Michelle Melvin
Gabe Schmera, V. P.
Bert Donaldson, Secr.
Dan Little, Manager
Lloyd Cook
Edith Donaldson
Dixy De La Rosa
Shannon Arnold
Minutes. (Note: Minutes of the January 9, 2004, meeting were mailed to owners about January 29th.)
Homeowners Session:
1) Elevator Problems took 45 minutes of dis-cussion. After the A-Bldg elevator had been off for the latter part of December, a Board member spent an hour in Thyssen Elevator’s office in early January to get things moving, and later the A-Bldg elevator was working on the night of the January meeting. Since then, the A-Bldg elevator has been off, allegedly because of a hydraulic fluid leak. Thyssen Elevator seems to have stopped work while it asks the HOA to pay for more repairs – which the HOA believes to be charges beyond contract terms. Legal review of HOA options, the contract and possible inadequate maintenance, as well as discussions with other elevator companies, are underway. Several options were discussed including replacement of the elevator. Replacement of the A-Bldg elevator and machinery has been estimated at $100K, and that would entail a Special Assessment. But although the needed repair visually seems to be small, exactly what the needed repair is remains elusive. A quick solution doesn’t seem to be at hand.
Although daily activities with the elevator continue, residents are unaware of what’s going on. The matter of communication regarding status and progress was discussed. Various options regarding commu-nication, including Dan Little’s memos on the bulletin board were covered. In the end, a MOTION passed to use Michelle Melvin as an independent contractor to improve communications part-time for up to $250 a week. (The job description includes daily communications with residents to (a) get their needs/desires for immediate elevator repairs (for example, people with unusual medical problems), (b) explain what has been done, what is being done, and what will be done to the best of available knowledge, and (c) put out daily reports to each affected person in the A-Bldg at their door and on the A-Bldg bulletin board.)
2) Water Temperature Fluctuations in the A-Bldg in the part of the building farthest from Midway Drive were discussed. The plumber had gone into at least one condo late in 2003 to cure the fluctuation, improving the temperature fluctuation significantly. However, people still report unacceptable temperature fluctuation. Possible causes include a weakening water heater and defective/removed fixtures separating hot & cold water pipes. (Due to widely varying descriptions of the problem, a symptom description questionnaire was distributed to affected people, who should return the questionnaire to the Manager.)
Financial Report:
1) Financial Summary: (taken from financial statements)
Money in Bank Accounts 12/31: $156,082*
Money in Bank Accounts 1/31: $158,854*
Increase: $2,772
* preliminary figures are used
Payments During Jan 2004: (totaling $13,258):
Administration: $900 Insurance: $1339
Water & Sewer: $2842 Gas & Electricity: $2731
Services (a grouping of the following usually-fixed-fee HOA service expenses: Trash, Janitors, Pool Service, Elevator, Pest Control, Gardening, Inspection, Gate Phone): $2046
Telephone Entry Systems $3400
2) Status of Delinquent Accounts. Several delin-quencies were paid up, but two delinquencies of about $400 each are leading to pay or lien letters. The lien process was discussed (see Collection Policy, below).
3) Reserves Summary was updated by management to match the budget/monthly contributions to reserves, and to reflect recent expenditures from reserves.
Continuing Activities:
Gates in Fences. Gate to A111 water heater put in.
New Business:
Collection Policy. A MOTION passed approving a reworded HOA fees collection policy, after recommen-dations from the attorneys’ office (Anderson & Kriger) that now handle HOA delinquencies. The new policy, which incorporates practices which have been followed lately, will be distributed.
Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned about 8:30pm.
Mr. Chuy Ma, President
(signed 2-24-04)
Bert Donaldson, Secretary
NOTE: Upcoming meetings: Thursday March 4th in A-211 at 7pm, Annual Meeting on Saturday April 17th at 10am in Sizzler, 2855 Midway Drive, and Thursday May 6th 7pm in B-205.
Manager: Dan Little, 619-298-9973
2nd Vice Pres., Lana Ivascu, 619-223-6569
Secretary: Bert Donaldson, 619-224-3095
MANAGEMENT: Little & Sons Property Management, 411 Camino del Rio, South, Suite 201, San Diego CA 92108. 619-298-9973
MANAGER'S E-MAIL: dglittle@littleandsons.com