I admitted I lied about not calling channel 10 about Consolo's involvement with Craig Stanton.
The only way you and Watkins knew was the reporter told you. The next day on this website I was threatened to keep my mouth shut.
I would like Parrish to tell what the specific instances, I did nothing. If they were ''specific'', he should have no problem.
I have no idea why the Ohio Election Commission did nothing about the threats and libel, when they had copies from this website.
The sheriff would not take a report because they said, the threats didn't say, ''when it would be done.'' They have done nothing about the theft at my house there.
I can promise you, I will get some action when I come there. Valleyview was always afraid to arrest me for fear of exposure. We will see if the attorney general and sheriff are.
I admitted I lied about not calling channel 10 about Consolo's involvement with Craig Stanton.
The only way you and Watkins knew was the reporter told you. The next day on this website I was threatened to keep my mouth shut.
I would like Parrish to tell what the specific instances, I did nothing. If they were ''specific'', he should have no problem.
I have no idea why the Ohio Election Commission did nothing about the threats and libel, when they had copies from this website.
The sheriff would not take a report because they said, the threats didn't say, ''when it would be done.'' They have done nothing about the theft at my house there.
I can promise you, I will get some action when I come there. Valleyview was always afraid to arrest me for fear of exposure. We will see if the attorney general and sheriff are.