Well the construction on the SINGLE family dewlling has begun for 2 days from 830 am to 830 pm we have had to indure the noise of a back up alarm and concrete saw and heavy construction equiupment and this is just the start.there has to be some way that this construction can be as unabtrusive the the neighbors as possible we all work hard all day long and the last thing we need to come home to is backhoes and saws ruining a quiet evening. today was a beautiful day but with all the beeping from the backup alarm on the hoe we had to keep our windows and doors shut and to watch tv ha forget it. at 730 i ask the person how much longer he was going to be and was told another hour now this after almost 12 straight hours Is this the kind of respect that someone shows the nieghbors yea sure cause they will go back to their house outside the village where they live. They dont have to look any of the residents in the village in the eyes. This is what is so bad about this.someone cares more about the all mighty buck than the comunity they live in. Hey I have a novel idea why not try to sell homes to familes that want to live here rather that investors that cant vote for our next levy as soon as the investors out number the homeowners we wont need the mayor or counsel and police
hope you day was a quiet one
hope you day was a quiet one