A Message From Our Chair
Thanks for visiting our web site. Sector F continues to be the best SHADCO in Jacksonville because of people like you. Thank you for caring enough about our city, our community, and our Sheriff's office to either participate in our monthly meetings, or simply visit us online.
We are a committed group of citizens who desire to improve our community through greater synergy with the JSO. We do this with monthly meetings, planned visitations to various law enforcement facilities and programs, and through our Neighborhood Watch programs.
I wish to express my appreciation to Brian Whited for his continued superb efforts in managing our web page. I also want to thank those very special members of our group that attend our monthly meetings regularly. You are what this effort is all about.
Please don't forget that our August meeting will be held at the Regency Library as a zone-wide meeting with sectors D and E. Also, our September meeting will be a guided tour of the pea-farm. (More to follow on the specifics of this tour.) We also have plans to hold our October meeting at one of our member's home for a pot-luck dinner. (Again, more to follow.)
Please be sure to encourage other members of your various neighborhoods and communities to participate with us. Also, I encourage each of you to participate in the Sheriff's walk in the Villas of Cobblestone Neighborhood at 5:00 PM on July 31st. (Click here for more information.)
Feel free to call me anytime if I may be of assistance to you. My home number is 246-5341.
Have a great day!
Charles R. Sikes Jr., Chairperson