Personally, I think that this website is a great idea! I don't associate with many of my direct neighbors, but I know there are great people in this neighborhood. I think if we can keep this forum (HOA or no HOA) and give each other advice to help solve our problems... Like good neighbors.... then we can all watch out for each other and be kind of a Good Neighbor Association.
That being said......
Just for grins and giggles~
Tell all your neighbors to come to this post and vote yes or no to the HOA. This way will will have a new count (an after mess count) Once we know what the majority now wants.... we can go from there to decide what to do about it.
But just so you know.... I think that even if we don't have an official HOA, that we can all still join forces for the same cause. We can join forces without threats, lawyers, liens, etc. I think the officials who "enforce" city codes will be more likely to listen if they get 10 complaints as opposed to 1.
There's a post somewhere on here that tells what section you are in based on your address... find your section then reply to this poll with a vote. :)
Section C ~ No HOA