Hello All,
Im Robert G. Cruz and you may have seen my name on a ballot you received this week in the mail. I'm running for Division 5 Board Member for the Kinneloa Irrigation District. I really need your support. I know like it doesnt seem like an important election but what is more vital than water.
I have attended multiple meetings recently as a resident and whenever they want to discuss rate increases they declare it a closed session. I don't know about all of you but if one more utility bill goes up my head is going to explode.
We currently have no representation for Division 5. I volunteered when they asked for interested parties but they cliamed that we had past the appiontment deadline and forced an expensive election.
I am a retired licensed contractor and with more than 30 years of experience in the public works sector, I am prepared to operate more efficiently to aviod unnecessary rate hikes. Please take a moment to mail in your ballot asap. Please, please please.
I appreciate your support. You can email me with any questions at votee4.robert.g.cruz@gmail.com