We in the West Saint Catherine Street Neighborhood Association have been working hard to make our area as attractive, dynamic, and lively as it can possibly be. The new obelisks at the I-65/West St. Catherine intersection are the results of a two-year campaign, encouraged by our organization and guided by the tireless efforts of the Sixth District Councilman, George Unseld; we think it makes the proverbial ?“gateway to Old Louisville?” even more attractive to tourists, businesses, and prospective homeowners.
Another of our major projects has been the addition of the attractive period lighting that lines West St. Catherine from I-65 to Seventh Street, and that, to date, has been unlit more often than not. When the lights are glowing, they enhance both the safety and the aesthetic appeal of our area, and by extension they shed a kindly gleam on the rest of the neighborhood as well. Given the new budget and more limited finances, however, we are hard-pressed for funds to keep them aglow. That?’s precisely the overriding reason for this proposed buy-out of our lights from Louisville Gas & Electric -we anticipate our lighting costs will be cut in half!
That?’s where you come in, we are asking for help from each and every one of you: any contributions you care to make to this worthy cause would be greatly appreciated, tax-free and, perhaps most importantly, an embellishment to the neighborhood as a whole. What affects one area in our tightly woven community affects us all; or so we all believe as we contribute time, effort, and funds to events and causes throughout the Limerick/Old Louisville area. Let?’s work together in any way possible?—we at the WSCNA would welcome your helping hands.