West St. Catherine Neighborhood Association

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As the homes along West St. Catherine Street are commonly referred to as being "Limerick's Mansion District", the West St. Catherine Neighborhood Association was orginally formed to further efforts intended to ensure their preservation.

Most of the homes that line our street were built in the late 1890s in a variety of Victorian style architecture. West St. Catherine Street is also home to three (3) excellent examples of gothic stone architecture in St. Louis Bertrand Church, Fourth Avenue Methodist, and Walnut Street Baptist Church (pictured). 

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I'm currently new to the neighborhood, and just wanted some info! My car was actually broken into about a week ago.... I want to try to help others not have to deal with the same issue. Thanks! more
Started: February 20th 2013Replies: 0

Banning semi trucks on WSC St.

I propose that our neighborhood association should discuss the possibility of working (lobbying out city council member, etc.) towards a city ordinance that would ban all heavy trucks using the West... more
Started: August 29th 2006Replies: 9

Vote for Frank DeNiro, President

Our own Frank DeNiro has graciously allowed his name to be submitted for nomination to the position of President for WSCNA. I'm very much in favor of this nomination, and propose that we make every... more
Started: December 17th 2007Replies: 2

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Obama Loan Modification Plan Explained
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Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Diagnose And Fix A Wet Basement
Wetbasementsm A wet basement can harm your home, your possessions and sometimes your health. Learn how to determine the source of the water and keep it out of your house. Whether your basement is consistently damp or is...
Super Director
Superdirectorthumb How many of us have experienced the Board member who wants to control all aspects of the association's operation, from finances to personnel to housekeeping? This "Super Director" just won't accept that there...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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