Thanks to your generosity and team spirit, the period lighting along West St. Catherine Street is on again and will remain aglow for the rest of 2003! We appreciate greatly the sense of community that compelled so many of you to pitch in with contributions to our fundraising events this year.
2004 lies ahead of us, and with it yet another effort to maintain our beautiful lighting. Please be assured that your neighborhood leaders are working diligently with city officials and your local energy company to reach a mutually beneficial agreement for funding these lights, which should substantially reduce our costs in the very near future. Most of you have joined with us in this venture before; next year, we are hoping that participation will be just as generous and even more widespread.
Thanks again for your continued support. We hope your holidays will be even brighter under the lights you have made possible on our street.
P.S. Remember that your contribution to period lighting on West Saint Catherine Street is tax dedcutible - we're a 501(c)(3).