Walsh Tarlton Neighborhood Association

Park West HOA - Tonight

Posted in: Circle C
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  • imacsal
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Park West

I'm also a Park West resident.

The gated community at the South West corner of Escarpment/LaCrosse is controlled by Hammond's Homes until the last home is sold. It's projected that within a year they will sell the last home and the residents will have majority vote and be able to have control of the Park West Board.

The landscape contract was just awarded to Circle C Landscape again. Circle C Landscape (Susan Hoover) was given the contract a few years ago as a favor from Hammond's to Bradley development. A landscape committee (made up of 100% residents) put out sealed bids for the first time ever to 9 landscape companies. The PW BOD allowed this to happen, but only if the management company they hired could take the sealed bids directly and by a deadline last month. The PW BOD told us that only one company submitted a bid out of the nine, Circle C Landscape. Many residents here in Park West find it difficult to believe (that in this economy) only one of nine would submit a bid.

We were also told tonight at the meeting that all board meetings were open to residents, but that meetings are last minute and nobody would tell us when and where. I am dead serious.

Circle C HOA governing documents gave majority votes to the developer (Bradley Development of which Bartlett & Hoover were top employees) until December 2002. This is the first year (2003) that the Circle C residents have the majority vote in the CCHOA.
Questions for Russ

You said:

CCHOA appears to be removing that cap. So, if you house is assessed at $250,000, your annual CCHOA fee could be 2500 x .25 or $625/year.

Did the landscaping company give themselves a raise this year? Why was it decided to remove the cap? Also Russ, are you connected to the HOA in anyway or just have personal interest?

Seems as though we pay more and get less. I think it stinks that ONLY 3 people make these decisions for a HOA the size of CCR. I am starting to feel like a sheep.

My lesson is clearly NEVER to buy into an HOA again.
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  • wally
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please stick to facts

your inuendo concerning the decision to raise the cap is misdirected. like so many of the posts that i read on this site, your inference is diabolical and based in conspiracy schemes. your comments have little regard for facts or history. the reason for the BOD now having to change the voting method is a direct result of the lawsuit filed by Mr Gammon et al. the lawsuit (injunction) requests relief from the BOD not following the written procedures stated in the bylaws, which state that votes are to be allocated in proportion to the basis of property values (amongst other releifs). the cap on assesments (and as a practical matter one vote/one house) was put in place some years ago by the board. However the lawsuit unravels this and therefore, assesments will follow these same requirements. More votes = more assesment. despite what you may think the cap was in fact an effort to create equity.
this has nothing to do in any shape or form with the landscape company, yet you insist on these acusations. please base your posts on facts, not on your obvious bias.
if you despise the HOA and CC so much why dont you move somewhere else?
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lower the rate?

Hi Wally,

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, just have a question. Given that the cap on assesments must be removed, could the BOD lower the assessment rate such that amount paid by the average homeowner stayed the same? Then the overall income of the HOA would stay the same.

Or is the assessment rate fixed?
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