Why is this site still live when I do not see any current information? The most current information is from Nov. of 2000
Why keep the site if it is not being used?
By Jon B.
Why keep the site if it is not being used?
By Jon B.
Why is this site still live when I do not see any current information? The most current information is from Nov. of 2000
Why keep the site if it is not being used? By Jon B. |
Updating this site
Hi Jon - I am the designated one to add information to this site from the Neighborhood Association Steering Committee. I would like to respond to your email of February 14th. A couple of points..... First, I would like to thank you for using the site on a regular basis. The last printed newsletter we had was in November and the newest one for February was posted last week when it came out. I did post some events in December and early January, but the calendar automatically erases the events the day after the event, so you may have missed them. I did take a bit of a hiatus from posting in January and early February, as my time to volunteer was cut back a bit. However, last week I was able to post several of the things that came our way. I would like to point out that the site is open for anyone in the neighborhood to post any relevant or interesting issue, event, yard sale etc. Thus it will hopefully be a bit more interesting and not rely on just one person to update. (You simply apply for access to the updating section of the site.) Two other new updates this month are under the police section and the RADON info. I am pleased to see you are keeping an eye on the site and I will try to keep more new things up on a regular basis. By Susan Pinkowitz |
I appreciate the update Susanne. I just moved here and was wondering. Keep up the good work! By Jon B. |
Site use
I'm conducting a research project on the use and meaning of this site. What brought you to the site and what would you like it to do? |