
Lost Cat - Calico - Female

Posted in: Lost Pets

Hi Neighbors,


My sweet Calico, Miss Piggy, has been missing since September 13, 2010.  She is petite, 5-6lbs.  She has a black "shell" with orange spots and her chest and belly are white.  Her nose and mouth are white but she has a very light orange spot under her left nostril.  She is very friendly but shy.  She can be nervous at first around strangers but has a knack for getting folks to fall head over heals in love with her.  She has been missing for over a month but I have had reports of sightings near downtown Warrenton.  I know she is out there somewhere, either wondering the beautiful town by herself or living with someone new.  I am very worried about her and just want to know that she is safe.  I understand that someone could be taking care of her and already very attached to her so I am willing to co-own Miss Piggy, I just want the peace of mind knowing she is not in danger and that she is in a loving home.  She is a great pet.  She is potty trained, loves to play with her toys but is not over demanding.    Miss Piggy is very special to me and if you know of her whereabouts or you are taking care of her, get in touch and I will explain why she is such a very special girl.  I am offering a cash reward if she is returned to me.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I wish lots of luck for the others out there who are missing their beloved pet. 




I am not sure if your cat is still missing but a cat that kind of meets your description has been outside of my house last night and tonite. I brought her inside tonite because it is so cold. I live in Park Ridge and the cat has a purple collar on with crystal things on it. I can take a picture of her... but just let me know!

Well I am so sorry but I just saw the picture and I don't think this is the same cat. She doesn't have as much white on her. Do you  know any other places like this that people would have posted missing cats? Thanks! I hope you find your cat!

Hi :)

Thank you for responding to my post.  Miss Piggy is still lost unfortunately.  The latest news I've had is she is hanging around Leeds Ct, in some woods along the fitness trail.  I hired a K9 search team and they tracked a fresh scent along there too so its promising.  However, I am deployed to Baghdad (Miss Piggy is a Baghdad rescue) so I am not able to go there and set a trap or anything.  I just have to hope that Miss Piggy wonders into someone's place like the kitty you found did.  I am so grateful that you took in a lost little kitty , who obviously is being missed by someone.  I am constantly on the lost and found pets sites so if you would like to send me a picture of the kitty you have I can certainly keep an eye out.  Also if you put up a couple posters around your neighborhood but don't describe the collar or have the collar in the picture so if someone tries to claim the kitty they can prove its theirs by describing the collar to you since its very distinctive.  She may also be microchipped and you would be able to go to a vet or I think even the vet in the Petsmart to see if she does have one with her owners name.  You could also post on Craigslist.  I've had a lot of responses from my posts on there.  You are the first response from the posting on Neighborhood Link :)  Again thank you so much for being that little kitties hero :) 

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