Westleigh NA

01-28-10 Meeting Minutes

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Neighborhood Meeting

Westleigh Neighborhood Association

Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

at Vegas Verdes Elementary School

4000 El Parque Ave


$        Overview of What has been done and What to do next

$        Call for New Officers

$        Guest Speakers          

$        Future Topics             


$        Welcome and Introductions.  Present were Ann Kilponen- Neighborhood Planner, Tiffany Hesser - President, Dana Russell- Secretary, 36  attendees and 3 guest speakers

$        Gave an overview of what had been done in the past, the status and actions taken. See below “Issues Addressed by the Westleigh Neighborhood Association” document.

$        Nominees for New Officers will be presented at the March 25th Meeting with elections.

$        Guest Speakers: - “Feral Cat Program” Keith Williams at www.clarkcountyferalcats.org and Mike White from “Community Cat Collation of Clark Co.” spoke about the County’s

Feral cat program and willing to help City Residents trap and release feral cats which would need to be maintained by a “colony caretaker” and can have an unlimited number of cats (in theory).  As a homeowner, it is three.  Keith is working with the City to develop their own program.  They acknowledged the efforts of homeowner who are already doing this. They are attempting to make it more widespread and effective rather than the small and isolated groups.     - “Nevada Energy  Audit” is offering a free energy audit to City Residents only for free up to 2000sqft.  Contact them at 448-2500 or www.nevadaenergyaudit.com  or www.homefreenevada.org/index.html

$        Future topic –  for March 25th Meeting – Lois Tarkanian will be there to have a “Town Hall” session and “Neighborhood Watch” program will be presented by Denise Stride, Crime Prevention Specialist with Bolden Area Command.  

Other Business:

$        It was decided by Attendees to hold the Neighborhood Meeting every other month.  The next scheduled meeting will be held on March 25th, 2010.

$        Concerns with Parking Enforcement citing residential parking as it is unclear how far from corner, fire hydrant, etc one can park.  Residents concerned with items being taking from both front and back porches and to call 311.

$        Link to Code Enforcement’s “20 Frequently Asked Questions” www.lasvegasnevada.gov/files/code_enforce_qustns.pdf


$        City of Las Vegas Town Hall Schedule

$        Lock Crime Out of your Home

$        Take Crime Prevention to Work

$        Neighborhood Management of Feral Cats

$        Nevada Energy Audit post-card









Issues Addressed by the Westleigh Neighborhood Association



The current Westleigh Neighborhood Association was formed on March 28th 2007.  With the assistance of Neighborhood Planner Franklin Simpson, we addressed at that and following meetings, neighbor concerns and asked for Code Enforcement and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept’s Bolden Area Command to visit the neighborhood.  In the past two and half years, we have also addressed:


  • Traffic concerns - Larry Rodgers, Traffic Engineer for CLV, came out and spoke.  A traffic study was conducted within the Westleigh Neighborhood for which the findings and conclusions were presented.  As a result, 20 Yield Signs were converted to Stop Signs, 10 more Stop Signs were installed, and 8 Speed Limit (25 mph) Signs were added.  The “No Right Turn” sign for Paratore Way at Charleston was corrected and the Stop Signs at Mt. View/Melville were changed from west/east to north/south.
  • Slurry – The streets within Westleigh were slurried in October 2007.  Neighbors had concerns regarding the quality and condition of the work.  The NA contacted the City Engineer who, after much correspondence, basically stated it was acceptable.  Ensured after the slurry that they repainted the white stop lines and the red fire lane curbs.
  • Code Enforcement - Invited City of Las Vegas Code Enforcement to attend meetings to address concerns and inform neighbors of common code violations.  We regularly present Code Enforcement updates, resolutions and status.  Vacant property concerns have been addressed.
  • Metro has attended NA meetings covering Crime Data Analysis and the “Neighborhood Watch” program was presented by Bolden Area Command’s Crime Specialist Denise Stride.
  • Initiated several Neighborhood Clean-up/ Beautification Events with Rapid Response and Republic Service.  Addressed Graffiti concerns and trees on Paratore Way which were encroaching on a neighbor’s block wall.
  • Have had several “Porch” Meet and Greets within the Neighborhood.  A survey asking residents what they liked/disliked about the Westleigh neighborhood showed the Best: central location, trees, charm, history and Worst/Concerns: speed, dirty alleys, property maintenance, graffiti and traffic.
  • Field numerous phone calls and emails regarding neighborhood concerns and link residents with the appropriate City department or other community resources.
  • Valley View Widening project with RTC - We have been in contact with and have stayed in contact with the RTC to be kept updated to this project.
  • Looked into the “Neighborhood Partnership Fund (NPF)” Grant for a neighborhood project.  Haven’t yet to decide what project would benefit the Neighborhood the most.
  • Republic Services came out and talked about their “pilot recycling program”.   Changed trash pick-up along Oakey to the front of the homes on the south-side of Westleigh to improve appearance and prevent traffic and pedestrian disruptions along Oakey.
  • Neighborhood Services came out to talk about their “Adopt-a-Block” program.
  • In February 2009, we received a “Certificate of Appreciation” from the City of Las Vegas. 


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