
Posted in: Country Side

FYI. No City of Broomfield funds were used for the City and County of Broomfield election campaign.

To BBW: Definition: Rep. Gov't

AArticle 1V, Section 4 of the US constitution defines a Republican for of government as one "where the State derives its power from the people." The Constitutional dictionary: REPUBLIC: 1. a government having a cief of state who is not a monarch and is usually a president; also a notion or other political unit having such a government. 2. a government in in which SUPREME POWER IS HELD BY THE CITIZENS entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives governing accoring to law: also a notion or other polictical unit having such a form of government. In the context of the US Constitution, both definitions apply.

What is really amazing; in over 200 years no one has ever challenged Article 4, Section 4. Nor have I ever heard the US referred to as anything less than a democracy.

The 200 meetings statement and the refusal to make this a BF issue (option to put on ballot); these are my memories of the State Assembly conversations.

I have a simple question for you, BBW. Name for me a larger issue that affects every citizen (regardless of age) of the City of Broomfield. Yes, my number one concern is the lack of public forums; and the fact that Cooper stated there were over 200 meetings. Now you and Roy Howard can play numbers with those meetings if you prefer; but not one of the meetings you cited, can be specifically discussing the results of the feasibility study. With the expertise of builders and planners (all live in this town); they could have offered the explanation that there was no way the city could survive on the projection costs; which are now 191% above the numbers of the feasibility study. Additionally, it was public knowledge; how many national stories about time-line availability and shortages; labor supply, were there? Beats me; but if I heard them; others did also. Would it have been too difficult to explain the tax implications to members of the community. As we are in four counties; each is affected differently. As for placement; would not the jail, library, etc. be discussed at these meetings. How about the 9 people who live in Weld County; man, they were portrayed as criminals when Deland and others talked of driving to Greeley; are you aware that these nine people DO NOT HAVE, AT MINIMUM, have A VOTING PRECINCT IN BROOMFIELD.

Instead you endorse the refusal of "private citizens" Councilpersons Larry Cooper, Hank Stovall, Mayor Bill Berens, City Manager George DiCero, to put it on the ballot, that if the issue did not pass in Broomfield, than the state vote was invalidated. It was THREE WEEKS AFTER proceedings started at State Assembly that the feasibility study was available as a checkout in the library.

Some people still think we get one school district. We even have a candidate declaring in the paper he is going to improve student/teacher ratios. After the council's July resolution, how, start a council-led campaign; acting as "private citizens" of course.

What questions did the "private citizens" not want to answer?

Sorry,while the rest of the nation basks in democracy; we are in a totalitarian form of government in Broomfield, face it; someone went to the library and was followed; amazing they had the nerve to shove it back in the face of the city by putting it in the paper. I wonder if that person is now being harassed by the police. Too bad I don't know him; I would call and ask. Rumor is that if you disagree with the BF government; that a "Mafia" image takes over. That is why I will never work as direct volunteer for this city. As I have said before, I have worked as an individual with the city staff; and find them most welcoming. I do not want to be harassed by the "Mafia" mentality; owned and run by business.

By Br Anonymous
To BBW equal time?

First, I am glad you are the same BBW. And it is good to have you on the board.

In answer to your first question: what was denied? From what I understand BF representatives wanted to stop the petition and the challenge by CVLEG. This seems rather childish; as if they city is totally honest; than why bother. Second, it is very difficult to get petitions signed; especially the numbers this group needs. Since BF is so confident in the current position on the formation of the county; why worry?
As you and I discussed early, the appeal was based on county costs; a question for reimbursement from the state for certain overruns. Personally, I would have been embarrassed to think that we were so eager to accept the study and form a county; that we were not realistic in our planning. There is a real challenge here; one we are beggars at state; the other,to the residents of BF we are presented an overflow of cash in expected incomes from the mall and other areas. What is the truth; are we rich and free, or poor and begging.

In answer to your question about public forums by CVLEG. Their efforts have been publized through all major media; all the television stations in the area, all the local papers. Both sides have been equally represented. What do you want; a meeting at every petition signing station before petitions are offered to the public. Something like: Please be at x at 9:30 AM to hear both sides debate the initiative. Has this ever happened before. Face it CVLEG is progressing and this will be a ballot issue; with all the pomp and circumstance of any other campaign.

Or, do you prefer the light-arm Mafia approach; heckle people who want to sign? I was not there; but from what has been on the board; is this the BF approach? I personally call this cheap tactics.

By Br Anonymous
For Br. Anon.

We certainly do have different views regarding Broomfield's city government. The premises from which we derive our opinions are almost at polar extremes with one another. I thank Broomfield's elected officials for taking their time as private citizens to work for the city/county consitutional amendment. You seem to believe that there is something inherently wrong with this. It was noted elsewhere on this board that the Broomfield city council does not have the authority to put anything on the statewide ballot. That can only be done by petition with the required number of valid signatures or by the state general assembly. Members of the city council have the right, as citizens, to support those efforts. But, that's it. Any citizens' group could have worked to put the city/county matter on the statewide ballot either by peitition or by requesting the general assembly to do so. If no Broomfield elected officials had been involved, what would your position be? The Broomfield citizens' group, Citizens for Better Local Government, was planning to use the petition route. State senators and state representatives contacted them and advised that they would ask the general assembly to place the matter on the statewide ballot. Once this occurred and the matter was officially introduced in the state senate, hearings were held by both senate committees and house committees. I understand that you and perhaps some others have said it is difficult to know when these hearings are held, but the fact of the matter is that hearings were held. No one spoke against the city and county amendment during these hearings.
It should also be noted that at no time during 1996, 1997, or 1998, did anyone ever appear at a Broomfield city council meeting to express opposition to the city/county idea. Every city council agenda has a section called citizens' comments. Any Broomfield citizen can appear before the council and state his or her opinions on any subject. If you, and perhaps others, had all of these questions regarding the process leading up to having the matter on the statewide ballot, why didn't you say so at a city council meeting? You had every right to do so and certainly had numerous opportunities to do so.
Broomfield's city government is not totalitarian. Look at the people involved. Our mayor and city councilmembers are very good people. We are fortunate to have a dedicated and highly competent city staff.
Certainly, Broomfield's becoming a combined city and county will affect Broomfield citizens. It's supposed to. That's why it was done. We stand to benefit substantially from this. Yes, cost estimates are increasing. But, the revenue estimates were very conservative. The most recent financial projections for the city/county show that the necessary mill levy will be less than originally estimated. We stand to gain better county government services at a much lower cost. It seems to me that we should give this a try.

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