
Posted in: Country Side
BF Mayorial Race

Sometimes I think following the BF mayorial race is more fun than watching X-files with a bowl full of popcorn (and THAT'S FUN).

I just read today's Camera article. I didn't have any real strong feelings about either candidate before. But now I'm giving Cooper about a 20 point lead (in IQ at least). How silly was it for Berens to fax that report himself (Geeze, at least he could have sent his wife or something). And it was pretty darned sharp of Cooper to have them check store security tapes (I'm assuming that's the subject "videos"). I don't know about integrity, but one candidate is definately looking smarter than the other. I can't wait til next week's episode.

(Br Anon - I say this all tongue and cheek. I am sure that it is frustrating to a caring citizen to have this kind of thing going on with men who should be pillars of the community. But you know you have our empathy)

the 98 tapes

WW - I know for a fact that BF residents were not enformed about the hearings, times, etc...there was no public notice in the local paper, the Broomfield Enterprise. Besides this came up so fast it hit everyone by surprise. According to the state deputy attorney all they had to do was post hearing info at the capitol to met requirements. That is what BF does. It trys to find any loophole to serve their needs, even if their own citizens needs were not met.

I cannot believe that BF residents are so blind to all of this. I would feel I had been slapped in the face by every council member up there!

By Joan

You are absolutely correct about non-partisan elections. The City Charter specifically states that Broomfield's local elections shall be non-partisan. Apparently, Mr. Berens or his supporters believed that Mr. Cooper was receiving support from the Democrats. Mr. Cooper says this is not the case. We will see what happens at Tuesday's election.

By Br Anon
BF Mayor (s)? gotta say it......

I'm sorry, I can't resist a comment on the "mess" that Bill and Larry have got themselves into.
This behavior is exactly what CVELG is trying to point out to the BF residents and the entire state of Colorado.
As trivial as this might be to some,
This underhanded, back stabbing, borderline illegal contuct, is in my opinion, the way they (together) handeled this entire County issue.
Whats the matter Bill and Larry?
Can't handle being on the recieving end of such disrespectful and underhanded
Now, they are playing dirty against each other and they are both crying foul play. (no sympathy from me!)
I can't help but think that these two men have some pretty high stakes that they are fighting for.
Hummmmmm, I wonder what that could be.
Hummmmmm, sounds like desperation to me.
Hummmmmm, why would either jeopardize their integrity and mayoral chance?
Hummmmmm, the almighty dollar makes people do some pretty desperate things.
Any respect that I had left for both of these men has gone right out the window.
It scares me tremendously to have either of these "clowns" in that mayor position.
If I lived in Broomfield I would hate to be faced with the lesser of these two evils.
(Br Anon write-in is the ticket!
hell, at this point I even say go for it BBW!)
Those two men validated, for me, once again -- "why" I am fighting for the
reconcideration of BF County.
I am more determined than ever to make sure that this county is not created.
These two men continue to help CVELG
with the ethics side of our fight.
Keep it up boys! We can use all the help we can get.
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