No words exist in our language that could possibly describe how incorrect you are. Let me explain to you what I am thinking so that you no longer have to make such erroneous assumptions.
First, I want to believe that the formation of the city and county of Broomfield was for the citizens. I want to believe they will reap significant rewards as a result. I want to believe that the lives of Broomfield residents will be better. Without a doubt, beyond any debate, with no room for misinterpretation, I truly do. Unfortunately, there have been no tangible benefits presented. The election results reflect the desire for the only two tangible benefits that were promised during the campaign, the consolidated school district and lower taxes. If you have been following the discussion, you know that these will not be realized. Therefore, the question still stands.
Why was the county formed?
You can spout derogatory rhetoric all day if you wish. You will still not be helping anyone who lives in the Broomfield area. There is indisputable evidence that Broomfield officials are acting on significant hidden agendas in this matter. The fact that even they can not present any significant tangible benefits of the county status only shows that they are knowingly acting on some motivation other than the interest of the residents. At the very least, it is reckless and irresponsible to simply "
see if it works" with such a hefty price tag that residents of Broomfield and surrounding communities must pay. If you are in favor of the county formation, I must ask you the same question.
Why? I want you to convince me that I am wrong. Please give me some tangible example of how the still climbing cost of $35 million will secure a better life for residents of this area. What metrics are going to be used to gauge any improvement in the quality of life? Can you even tell us what they are? Are the metrics even tangible? I have no preconceived notions or vendetta against Broomfield officials or the idea of a combined city and county. It is simply that after investigating the issue, it is clear to any rational human being that this process represents failed local government. We are not going to tolerate runaway leadership that serves anything or anyone other than us simple citizens. That is not only our right, but our responsibility.
By Adrian