We received a flyer from the WLHNA urging residents to attend the Tuesday (3/4/08) City Council Meeting to support Chesapeake Energy's request for a high impact gas well permit.
Our home has a view of the ugly drilling station at the former ARC Park, and we hear the noise day and night and smell the awful fumes coming from it. Maybe some residents who aren't as close to the station as we are might care about getting their "full" share of any money coming from profits, but Chesapeake and other drillers can't get out of this area fast enough for me. I don't care about any residual money. Our home might be on the front line of being damaged in the event of any kind of accident happened at the site.
I have had headaches and sickness since they started pumping at the drill site. Drilling is a filthy, poisonous business, and we didn't move to WLH to have to endure it.
Sarah Green