By Dave Candey
We need your help! Join the Woodlake Security Volunteers to help keep the neighborhood save and secure. volunteers patrol the neighborhood at various times of the day, or simply keep watchful for anything out of the ordinary, such as a gate or door left open. Recently, alert neighbors helped stop a series of robberies by quickly calling the police.
The Woodlake Security Volunteers encourage you to report anything suspicious to the police. It does help to report any suspicious activity int he neighborhood.
Call 911 or 916-732-0100 (from cell phone) in it's an emergency or if you see a possible crime in progress.
Call 916-264-5471 and listen to the new menu to report other non-emergency information or suspicious activity.
You can also report an incident or observation by phone, in person at a police station, or online at This includes crime reports, suspicious circumstances, code enforcement, citizen complaints, employee recognition, and any crime tip.
The Woodlake Security Volunteers also maintain an email address list to alert the community of security happenings and issues. The WNA Board also sends notices of community activities, meetings, and special events to this same email list. The list is anonymous to other recipients. It's a great way to stay up-to-date with neighborhood news!
The people of Woodlake make our neighborhood a great place to live. Please look after yourself and your neighbor.