- jennhz
- Respected Neighbor
- Woodlawn Park, KY
- 6 Posts
Late Sunday (12:45am)I noticed two police cars in the street. They drove away very fast. I didn't know what was going on. The next day I found out that two doors down from me on Green Meadow Circle, there was an attempted break-in. Had it not been for a neighbor on another street I would not have even know about this.
I have lived here for two years and I have heard about many break-ins and thefts around our neighborhood, but not from our government, newsletters, or law enforcement. Only word of mouth.
How many crimes are happening around our neighborhood? Shouldn't we (the residents) be alerted when things like this happen? Who is keeping up with these matters? Has anyone been caught? Do we need or have extra patrol?
I always see patrol during the day, not at night. There is never a problem with giving on street parking citations(patrol's on that). Who's on crime patrol?
wow, having just moved here in january... i would really like to know more about this as well.
Jennifer - my understanding is that all the Woodlawn Park police does is enforce the city's restrictive ordinances and not protect the community. He will call the Metro police. Any protection has to come from the Metro or State police.
I have never understood why we have a police force that there sole purpose is to enforce restrictive ordinances. You will find the city police in other communties to supposed cut down on crime. Not much effect when all they do is restrictive ordinances.
WP Police
Reading the last few posts regarding the issue of the WP police department I thought I would chime in and add a few comments. Gary is correct- Metro Louisville is the 1st responder to taking reports and trouble calls to our city. We have no detective department and we have one police chief that I might add has the credentials and policing powers, however, Metro is the 1st responder. If our Police chief saw an incidnet occuring he would not just stand there and do nothing about it. He would most likely call a neighboring department or Metro Louisville for back up. The city of Woodlawn Park will never have funds available to support a large full-fledged police department,however, with that said I feel very fortunate to be able to have someone like our police chief patrolling our city. In reference to crime in the area- our police chief gives a report once a month at City Council meetings (they are held on the third Monday of the month). I would encourage those of you wishing to be kept informed of issues to attend these meetings. I would also encourage possibly calling Doug Watson, our blockwatch captain to get involved in that program in our city. I personally am not aware of a lot of crime in our area. Compared to other surrounding cities, our city crime rate would certainly be very low. It would be interesting to get a report of neighboring cities and compare them to ours? Maybe we can even put out a blockwatch newsletter that updates neighbors on a regular basis. I do thank you for sharing your ideas- that's what talk about it is all about.