- dtrimble
- Respected Neighbor
- Woodlawn Park, KY
- 17 Posts
good grief
I was speaking for myself. Futhermore, I own two dogs. Why don't you refrain from weighing in on this neighborhood message board until you get the courage to sign your name.
No way do I sign my name
For fear of dealing with someone unreasonable and that can't remember what they said yesterday, I will not be signing my name. And to quote you:
''I believe that the residents of our city have made it plain; a Woodlawn Park noise ordinance is needed to stop this type of pollution''
That sounds like speaking for everyone to me. Good for you for owning 2 dogs...do they bark?
- georgendfan
- Respected Neighbor
- Woodlawn Park, KY
- 167 Posts
Barking Dogs
Ms. Trimble;
Call our Chief of Police, Jim Carter, and explain your problem to him and he may be able to go and talk to your neighbor about this problem
Getting back on track
I think we all can agree that we need some kind of noise ordinance,not just for loud animals but loud music and loud cars, or motorcycles or power tools after a certain hour or in the wee hours of the morning.When it comes down too it we all need to be aware of people who live around us.We dont live in the country where we can do are own thing. Nobody wants to tell anybody how to live, we all need to show kindness and respect to one another.Now I will get down off my soap box.