While neighborhood night out isn't until August I thought I would post this to put the bug in everyone's ear about gathering a few of your neighbors along your street or even close off a block, something to get to know those around you.
What better way to make new friends! And the best thing is for everyone who "hosts" their block, street...etc is our managing company will reimburse you for a portion of your expenses, I think up to 75 dollars. We have done this several years in a row. We just get hamburgers and hot dogs, drinks, ice cream and have others donate potluck. We meet on our driveway and and everyone BYOC (brings their own chair). I go door to door with the invites. The SAPD usually come around and talk with you about things to keep your neighborhood safe...it is great. Something to think about. When the newsletter comes out later this summer, it has usually has a weblink so you can register on-line...but I also think there is a link from the San Antonio police department.
Also COPS- citizens on patrol training is an excellent way to help curtail unwanted persons and actions in your neighborhood. The more vigilant, and visible people are the less crime. Nobody wants to get caught.