...TV Show Other Opinion Wyan

Posted in: Wyandotte
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never met him

It is my understanding the Gadfly had never met the Other Guy, the guys whose retirment package he is now going to fund.

Gadfly is a reactive type community activist, person alligned with the
Candidate almost an HR Halderman re incarnated only not as bright.

Other posters can be more informative about WHO the Gadfly is and what he is about, I really do not know. He is Host of a local wyan. amaturely produced cable tv show... Another Opinion !

.....For sure!

Rumor is HE is actually related to Irene Tilik his a former sister in law so I've heard!...it was just someones other opinion?

now Keiko feels like a heel and may have pizzzzzed offffff Bearmom and thats Not Coollllll.
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  • kimasabi
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What makes you

the authority on what's going on with the ''Gadfly'' and the ''other guy''? Like I said in your ''gadfly'' post, why do you gloat on this?Why doesn't this guy speak for himself? Why is he such a coward? Do you mean to say the ''other guy'' is ''feathering his nest'' by suing someone? Is that how he makes a living? How LOW can a person go before he is crawling on the ground like a snake? Well this ''snake'' needs to crawl right back in his hole and stay there.
  • Stock
  • kimasabi
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Not my question

You are still avoiding the question I asked. I didn't ask for more information on what the ''other guy'' said. I asked if you could possibly be the ''other guy'' since you do all the reporting and the gloating. I also said to let the ''other guy'' speak for himself IF he truly exists. If you are not the ''other guy'' then quit reporting other people's business. Am I talking plain enough for you yet? All this that you ''heard'' could be little voices talking in your head. So maybe we don't want to know what you ''heard'' anymore.
What makes you

Good post. I totally agree with you.
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