You should really get a life. Think about what you've said. This elderly lady has your undershorts in a twist. If this lady wants to speak at every Council meeting so be it. It is her city too reguardless of how you see it or hear it. Go get another coke and some popcorn while she has her say!
Shame on you and when I see you I'm going to tell you to your face.
- sue57
- Respected Neighbor
- 67 Posts
Right to Opinion
Everybody has them, unless they disagree with Christine, or Keiko. Anymouse, you shouldn't let these two hatemongers get under your skin.
No I was reffering to her ability to light up council meetings, I've seen her a few times on tv,I don't know her well, But I do know that she went to bat for the Hockey association and it's kids and that she fought for equal enforcement of ordinances, Maybe she is a bit on the wild side on occasion, But I thinks she probably cares a bit more than most. And I do believe it takes a lot of ballz to stand up and buck the system knowing that you may be ridiculed for your style and subject matter. KT
If you had someone following you, sending strange and unusual mail to your residence, sending chain letters to your home, contacting people you know. Someone who is out of control. Wouldn't you call that person a nutcase? Be honest!
When someone stalks and harasses people, and sometimes people they don't even know, people that they've decided to target for whatever reasons. Someone like that is referred to as a 'nutcase'. Every person who knows of 'this lady that goes in front of a council meeting only to scream untrue and hateful things about someone' the first words that come out of their mouth is 'who is that nutcase?
I've been out in public and overheard others talk about her and their references to her are just that 'nutcase'.
I'm sorry you took it to be so childish and derogative. But that's NOT what it was.